The Urban Dao Child

Chapter 229 - In The Ring.

Yang Dao came to an arena under the lead of Lin and the rest. After winning the chess match he has been asked to change his clothes to a more sporty attire and meditate to adjust his mental state. He complied with their instructions and changed his clothes. He selected a generic-looking white t-shirt and black lowers along with white shoes.

The rules of the Elemental Duel were as such. The contenders are not allowed to carry external weapons and must be searched before the battle. They must not wear any defensive armor. The meaning of elemental duel was to compare the strength you can generate using the element you practice in.  Your attacks can fight with your physical strength as well. However, in front of elements, the human body falls short.

The arena was similar to those boxing arenas in the movies. One ring in the center of the hall was made on a high-raised platform. The spectators sat around the ring observing the match. However, since this was a Military establishment. The standards of judgment were also Military grade. The senior officials could all be the judges. Any cheating and they will act.

Opposite Yang Dao stood a Gerrard, he wore a vermillion t-shirt and black lower. His eyes were filled with the fighting spirit. Laohu Bai walked over to Yang Dao and said as she fixed his hair gently, "Dao, this is the first time you will be facing an Elementalist properly. Learn all you can and get used to your own strength. Also, no need to hold back your strength. Be the wind."

Yang Dao smiled. He was oblivious to the fact that he was now the secret enemy of all the men in the special forces. Laohu Bai would bite and scratch other men as soon as they walk close to her, but here he was getting the smile and hair fixation from their goddess.

The boy stood on the edge of the ring. The floor was textured stone. There were no boundaries, on the four corners, however, four poles were erected. At this moment the poles had a fire burning on top of them like a wooden flame torch.

Talen has told him earlier about the basic rules of the duel. The ring had four elements on it. The floor was made from blending hard and soft soil grains. The open structure supported wind, while the poles supported fire elements. As for water, the 5 inches thick gully around the ring will be filled with water if the contender practicing in the water element.

None of the participants were allowed to harm the ring. Suppose a wind elemental decided to create a vacuum vortex around the torches then the fire will be extinguished. In a war, you face off with an enemy. You avoid the enemy and diffuse the source of his power to win the battle. However, this was a duel and everyone must get a fair chance to defend their honor.

Yang Dao wanted to rebuke this rule, why should your enemy get a fair chance? Will they not humiliate you once you fall in front of them? Hypocritical rules were a thing that the progress was limited.

Well, what can he do? He is still young now. Elementals in a war can be terrifying but they must be at least level three at least. The special forces are made up of elementals but hardly anyone is over level two here. Tiberius is level four and a few others are level three but that is a handful of people. Laohu Bai is the elemental god though she keeps it under wraps.

A referee stood on the ring and said, "Both contenders, please proceed to the ring."

Yang Dao and Gerrard walked over from two different sides. A flight of steps led to the ring. The referee said, "You have been told the rules of the duel earlier. I will not repeat them. I only suggest that you respect yourself and your opponent. Any deliberate attempt to harm the opponent is punishable depending on the intensity."

While he said the last line, the referee cast a stern gaze at Gerrard. Then he wished them both luck and stepped outside the ring. He stood on a separate column to preside over this duel.

Gerrard and Yang Dao stepped back. Gerrard took his stance and was ready to attack as soon as the referee spoke. The fire torches started to burn intensely. Yang Dao on the other hand stood in a standard military boxing pose. His arms up and left leg slightly in front of the right.

The high-rank officials looked at him and nodded in appreciation. The young boy was completely calm in front of the veteran. The referee spoke, "Introduce yourselves."

Gerrard said, "Gerrard Morgan, wolf squad, fire elemental."

"Yang Dao, White tiger squad, Wind elemental." said the dao child.

On the ring, there were no ranks, no superiority but strength. They did not declare their levels of elemental blessings. Yang Dao gazed at Loahu Bai on the side, who nodded to him. The boy took in a deep breath and calmed his heart down. Truthfully speaking he was hesitant about revealing his own strength but since Laohu bai had said so, then he will trust her and do it.

The referee said, "The duel begins."

The surrounding people were all very curious to see the elemental duel and learn something from it. Gerrard did not hesitate and directly attacked. He took a deep breath and drove the fire from the torches to his side. Yang Dao stood still waiting for the attack to come. He wanted to learn what and how the other party dealt with.

After five seconds a ball of fire was formed in front of Gerrard. He moved his hands slightly and turned them into a shape of a lotus. Then with the shove of his hand, the falling flower flew over. It was neither fast nor slow. Yang Dao was surprised to see this.

His furrowed brow made people think he was scared. Some of them even commented, "This boy had guts but he is still too green. Gerrard is not keeping any hands. I just hope that the guy is not seriously injured."

His voice was followed by a few nods from his peer and some other affirmations and verbal concern. Like His face will have scars left and many more trivial things.

However, the next moment, they all froze. Yang Dao sighed and slapped out his palm on the flower.

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