Chapter 1001 Men also have a sixth sense

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

 So it is impossible that Lu Jing's eyes did not touch Sun Ying'er's heart at all.

 But this touch did not last long.

Because she heard Lu Jingyong's frightened voice saying: "It scared me to death. It scared me to death. I almost thought that you wouldn't show up, Aunt Sun. If you really don't show up, Aunt Sun, then I would be the only one embarrassed." ”

Sun Yinger:…

Well, it seems that being moved by Lu Jing is a very stupid thing.

But this Lu Jing has also made some progress. After all, when this guy said this, he still covered his body.

 Don't let such stupid noises get out.

Hmm, the requirements for Lu Jing should not be too high, just make progress.

Sun Ying'er said in a helpless voice: "Go on."

After hearing this, Lu Jing continued: "There are many people in this world. I also understand that I will definitely meet many people in the future, but I feel that no matter who I meet, I will never meet them." People like you.

 Okay, I admit that you usually dislike me, but I don’t know why. It is obvious that other people also dislike me, but in my eyes, your dislike is different from others. "

Sun Ying'er: "What's the difference?"

"I don't know what's the difference, but I just feel different. Maybe this is a man's sixth sense, and I feel that you are very different."

“I have been mentally prepared for coming here for a long time today. I hope to let the whole world know how sincere I am to you, and let the whole world know that I am willing to make you dislike me for the rest of my life.”

At this moment, Sun Ying'er really admired Su Nian.

Even if she is so strong in other aspects, why is she so good at writing? The words she wrote actually made her want to cry. When Lu Jing said: "Sun Ying'er, you can tell me now if you can despise me for the rest of your life."

Sun Ying'er said directly with a puff.

 He immediately laughed out loud.

“Well, can I hug you now?” Lu Jing said cautiously at this time.

Sun Yinger nodded.

After seeing Sun Ying'er nodding, Lu Jing walked up to Sun Ying'er and hugged Sun Ying'er.

After hugging Sun Ying'er, she said in a stern tone: "Aunt Sun, you see, I am usually very reliable in doing things and do things perfectly. So if I am really reliable, then It’s really reliable.”

 This is said like a child asking for praise.

Sun Ying'er smiled and said, "Yeah, yeah, you're right, you are very powerful."

"Then when you go to see my aunt, you have to say something nice in front of my aunt to let her know how powerful I am."

“Okay, I will definitely say a few nice words in front of your aunt, and I will definitely praise you to the level of heaven and nothing on earth.”

If others heard this, they might be able to hear some sarcasm in it, but Lu Jing was excited when he heard this: "Aunt Sun, you said this yourself, please don't lie to me. , I don’t like people to lie to me the most, so I never give others a chance to lie to me!

For example, if you promise me something, even if you can't do it, I will try my best to make you do it. Do you understand what I mean? "

What else could Sun Ying'er do after hearing this? She could only say in a coaxing tone: "Yes, yes, you are right, I will do what you want."

 In the eyes of outsiders, this is a young couple speaking the truth. If they knew what they said, they would definitely laugh out loud.

 (End of this chapter)

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