The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 101: Dogs who are stubborn lickers just like to bite their noses on their faces

Chapter 101: Dog licking just likes to bite the nose on the face

“Can you book a few more days for me in the future?”

Su Nian was proud of Li Beichen’s words:…

"The price is no problem. I think this tastes delicious and makes my whole stomach warm." Li Beichen felt that since Su Nian was so proud in his heart, it would be a waste if he didn't do something.

 Sure enough, after he finished saying this, he heard Su Nian's voice about to explode.

  【What, what did this guy say? It's not enough for him to do it once, I have to do it for several days. 】

  【Why does this **** licking dog like to dig his nose into his face so much? 】

  【It's really too abominable. 】

 “What, can’t it?” Li Beichen said again casually.

What else can Su Nian do? Li Beichen is looking at her like this. Can she still refuse?

 So she could only smile and nod!

 “Then I’ll trouble you.”

Su Nian shook his head: "Beichen, how can you tell me that I can help you a little, then I will be very happy."

[The worst case scenario is that I can just buy some white porridge and fool it. Anyway, all the white porridges in the world have the same taste. I don’t believe that this stubborn licking dog can even taste the difference in white porridge. If he can really taste it, then my Su Nian will have his surname. Sharp! 】

 After finishing the porridge, Li Beichen leaned on the sofa.

He was thinking that since Su Nian was like this, if he didn't satisfy her little wish, then he would be sorry for her efforts in making this porridge.

Originally, Li Beichen planned to expose Su Nian and embarrass her a little bit when he drank the porridge that Su Nian bought casually.

 But for several days, all he drank was white porridge cooked by Su Nian himself.

 Even later, there were several delicious side dishes served every day.

But every day, he could hear all kinds of "complaints" in Su Nian's heart

  【I'm so tired. It's really troublesome to do this. ]    【Fortunately, I didn't let this licking dog know that I can cook, and whatever gets a man's stomach can get a man's heart. The person who said this must be a man. 】

I have to stay up for a few days and wait until Li Beichen's stomach recovers. Even if this family kneels on the ground and begs me, I will not do it for this guy. Yes, if I continue to do it for him, he will be his grandson. 】

 Hearing these thoughts, Li Beichen felt much better for some reason.

 He couldn't help but look around him.

 When he saw Su Nian lying on the bed, he couldn't help but smile.

 I immediately returned my gaze to the food in front of me.

【But luckily I'm smart. I had the impression that I was a kitchen idiot in front of Li Beichen before, so after doing it this time, I don't have to do it anymore. 】

 Su Nian felt that her mood was much better when she thought about it, and then she sat up and moved her body.

 I saw Li Beichen eating next to him.

She felt that if her meal this time could not be in vain, then she would really be at a loss.

"Beichen, what do you think? I specially asked the chef to make you some nourishing food for your stomach. I carefully selected the menu and other items. You are getting better and better recently. Are you feeling better? ”

Li Beichen raised his eyes and looked at Su Nian when he heard this.

Su Nian looked at him seriously at this moment, looking very much like a child who had done something right and wanted to get a reward from his parents quickly.

Then, under Su Nian's eyes, Li Beichen said unhurriedly: "I really need to thank you for this matter. Without you, I would still feel very uncomfortable now. Thank you for finding such a good person." chef."

Su Nian’s eyes brightened a little more.

【Although Li Beichen is only the second male lead, he is still a domineering president. If he said thank you, he would definitely not just say thank you! 】

 (End of this chapter)

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