Chapter 1013 Lan Zhi became smarter

If it were the previous Lan Ren, then he would definitely agree.

 But after experiencing so much, Lan Min would be a fool if he didn't make some so-called progress.

Moreover, Huo Linyuan now has a son born to another woman. No matter how he tries to please him, he cannot have a good relationship with him.

 If she wants to be with Huo Linyuan, she must have a child. If she does get pregnant, then if she cannot conceive in the future, or if it takes a long time to conceive, then the situation for herself and the child will be very disadvantageous.

 Lan Min can tolerate everything, but he can't bear other people's children bullying his own children. Thinking that something like this might happen in the future, Lan Min feels angry.

But even though Lan Min thought so, he knew in his heart that he couldn't say it directly: "But I didn't know before that I had already been kicked out, and with Su Nian's temperament, there was absolutely no way she would let me in. "

 “Can’t you use your strengths?”

These words made Lan Zhi suddenly confused.

“This is what you usually do best in making jokes. Isn’t that what you usually like to do the most? Now that your behavior has become meaningful, why don’t you continue.”

  It is your usual joke.

When she heard this, Lan Min's face was full of disbelief. She really never thought that she would have such an image in Huo Linyuan's heart.

 “I didn’t, you must have misunderstood.”

These words directly made Huo Linyuan frown: "Now is not the time to dwell on this matter. The most important thing now is not to miss this opportunity. If I really miss this opportunity, then my situation will be even more embarrassing, and you will also Having known Li Beichen for so many years, you must know Li Beichen's temperament. If we don't fight for this opportunity, our situation will be even more difficult.

 Don’t you really want to live a stable life with me? "

"Can we live a stable life if I do this?" "Then what can you do now." Huo Linyuan has never been the kind of person to coax women, and his patience is also very limited, so when he saw Lan Min After saying this, he said directly: "Whose woman are you, what exactly are you thinking, Lan Min."

"But, no buts, just do what I want. If you don't do what I want, I will be angry. You have been with me for so long. You should know that it is very dangerous for me to be angry. ." A smile appeared on Huo Linyuan's face.

Huo Linyuan at this moment can be said to be completely different from the gentle Huo Linyuan before.

 The reason why Huo Linyuan did this was because he had given up on the child in Lan Min's belly. He could sit at this height and still sit firmly. How could he be a simple person?

 Just give up when it’s time to give up.

"Linyuan, I understand what you mean, I understand, and I will do what you mean."

Huo Linyuan smiled after hearing his satisfactory answer, and then gently patted her shoulder: "As expected of the woman I love, Lan Min, you are so kind."

 “You are so kind to me, I will definitely not let you down.”

Although Lan Min said this on the surface, he decided in his heart that he must save his child no matter what method he used.

 Don’t let anything happen to your children.

 Because she has seen through it all, only people with the same blood as her will think about herself and will really be of the same mind as herself.

 (End of this chapter)

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