Chapter 1016 Found the reason for feeling uncomfortable

"By the way, sister, why are you here at this time? Have you finished all the company matters?" In order not to continue this boring topic, Su Nian quickly changed the subject.

The reason why Su Nian asked this was because Sun Ying'er usually came over after finishing the company's affairs, but today she came over early.

 So I’m curious.

When Sun Ying'er heard this, her face changed slightly.

 She actually didn’t know why.

 It just feels a little weird, like something is missing.

 But when asked to tell her specifically what was missing, she really felt a little unable to explain.

 “What’s wrong with you?” Su Nian asked with concern.

Sun Ying'er sighed, and then she smiled: "What can I do? What can I do about your sister? What else could be the reason why I came here? It's just a bit too boring. Hey, you were here before When we were in the company, the two of us were chatting and laughing, which was really fun. But in a situation like this, it’s not interesting at all.”

“It’s all my fault for that Huo Linyuan. Why didn’t I notice it before? This Huo Linyuan seems to have never done anything for human beings. Hey, so this love brain is a disease, a disease that can make people stupid.”

"Actually, I really think your situation is normal. And having said that, doesn't it just prove that you are serious about your relationship? I believe God is watching from heaven. God sees that you are so serious about your relationship. , will definitely give you a happy marriage.”

Su Nian really believes in God now, and believes that God is watching from the sky.

  After all, if there is no God, then why did I travel to this world? Not only did I travel to this world, but I didn't do much after brushing it off, and I was reborn again.

 It’s really incredible.

Sun Ying'er was pleased by her sister: "This is what you said. If God really didn't treat me like this and arranged a perfect marriage for me, then I would really cause trouble for you." Su Nian hurriedly He patted his chest: "No problem, sister, don't worry, it will definitely be no problem. If you really haven't met a right man, then you can find me. At worst, I will pay for you to get one myself." The draft will select the perfect man for you in minutes.”

 After Su Nian said this, the two women couldn't stop laughing.

But while joking, Su Nian thought of something.

"By the way, why isn't Lu Jing with you today? I remember that guy has always been with you. Now I suddenly don't see that guy with you. I'm really not used to it."

Su Nian's words immediately made Sun Ying'er's body stiffen.

 She seemed to have found...the reason why she felt uncomfortable...

Indeed, the person who had been chattering around her suddenly disappeared, and her world seemed to be quiet.

 It’s really hard to get used to being quiet.

I really don’t know how to describe this feeling of habit.

However, Sun Ying'er still said with a smile: "Who knows, don't you know Lu Jing's virtue? We can simply keep up with his brain circuit. I don't know what he is doing these days. He may appear in Lu Jing's house suddenly one day." in front of us and then gave us a big scare."

Su Nian nodded seriously when he heard this.

I think it makes sense.

 (End of this chapter)

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