Chapter 1026 Lin Na’s changes

 After Su Nian left.

Lin Na frowned and looked at Lan Min: "Lan Min, I admit that we did try our best to deal with Su Nian, but you can't really be so crazy and do something to the child, it's really inhumane at all. "

 “I didn’t, I really didn’t.”

Lin Na: "I don't care if you have it or not, but I think no matter what you do, you must have a conscience. If you don't have a conscience, then even if you win, God may not be able to stand it, and a thunder will strike directly from the sky. It’s not certain that I’ll kill you directly.”

 Lin Na planned to leave after saying this.

But before Lin Na took a few steps, she heard Lan Min say: "Something may really happen to Li Beichen this time, and his life may be really in danger."

These words successfully made Lin Na stop in her tracks.

 She turned her head and looked at Lan Zhi.

   Lan Min said what he had just asked Mo Bao.

 When Lin Na heard this, she sighed deeply in her heart.

 This tone is sighing for myself.

  She really didn’t know what was wrong with her mind and why she was touched by Lan Min’s words.

“It is said that children’s words are unbridled. The more this is true, the more it reflects the true situation.”

Lin Na understands this truth, but...that Li Chenmo is the child of Li Beichen and Su Nian. If their two children are so stupid, then it is a genetic mutation.

If it were Lin Na from before, she might have said it.

But now Lin Na has made a decision, so she said cooperatively: "Lan Zhi, I didn't expect you to see this. You really impressed me. I'm sorry, I really thought you..." Lan Zhi originally Just because of Su Nian's behavior just now, she was in a bad mood.

  In other words, Lan Min must find his place now.

"What do you mean, and what do you mean by what you just said? In your heart, am I really so shameless that I can do anything to a child? Lin Na, we have known each other for so long, you Don’t you know who I am?”

Lin Na really wanted to laugh at this moment.

It is because we have known each other for so long that I know who this Lan Ren is and what he can do.

"I'll let it go if you think so. Why do you still think so? Although I, Lan Min, am not a big shot, I can still understand this. If I can really do such disgusting things, then I am not a human being. ”

The more Lan Min said this, the more excited he became.

 But Lan Min's excitement at the moment is a joke.

What's the use of Lan Min being so excited now? If he is really capable, then why was he so timid when facing Su Nian just now.

She knew that Lan Min was doing this to regain face in front of her, but what was the use of regaining face in front of herself? She was not Su Nian.

 This kind of behavior is just like taking off your pants and farting, and it is of no use at all.

But Lin Na is the person who inspired and led the Lin family to surpass the Li family and the Huo family. How could she be an ordinary person? So after hearing this, she immediately said: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for you, but the way Su Nian looked just now was really... It’s a bit too scary, I never thought that Su Nian would be like that.”

These words made Lan Min feel a little bit frightened.

He didn’t dare to speak anymore.

 (End of this chapter)

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