Chapter 1030 Linyuan, I...

Sure enough, after Lan Min told Huo Linyuan the situation, Huo Linyuan felt that the opportunity had come.

  and begin a comprehensive deployment plan.

 Start using various means.

However, at this time, Lan Min made demands to Huo Linyuan to deal with the small companies of Su Nian and Sun Ying'er.

After Lin Na learned the news, she curiously asked Lan Min: "What do you mean? Are you not confident in your man? Don't believe that your man can defeat the Li family? Why, is there something inside this matter that I don't know about?" We’ve known each other for so long, why didn’t you tell me that your behavior was a bit too much.”

Lin Na just asked this question.

 The key is to ask in front of Huo Linyuan.

 So after Lin Na finished speaking, Huo Linyuan's expression suddenly changed.

Lan Min didn't expect Lin Na to be like this, and his heart suddenly thumped. He quickly covered his stomach and said, "Lin Na, what do you mean by this? Are you questioning my love for Lin Yuan? You know me. It's been so long, don't you know how much I love Linyuan, why can you say such things, and what are your intentions? "

Facing Lan Min's anxious look, Lin Na just shrugged lightly: "I don't have any intentions. I can have any so-called intentions. I just asked out of curiosity. You can't be so overbearing. I can't be curious. ”


What else could Lin Na do this for? Of course it was to cause trouble.

  Anyway, now that you have made your choice, you have to do something. The key point is that doing things that can disgust others is really fun.

Huo Linyuan: "Miss Lin, are you trying to provoke us?"

Huo Linyuan said so bluntly, and it was more of a threat, but Lin Na shook her head: "Huo Shao, what you said, I have never questioned the relationship between you and Miss Lin, and I believe that there is no such thing in this world." Who can provoke, and I said this in front of you. If I really wanted to provoke, then I could just say it privately, why should I say it directly. "

After Lin Na finished speaking, Huo Linyuan looked directly at Lan Min.

Lan Min subconsciously covered his stomach: "I have no other ideas, I'm just a little dissatisfied. I saw them messing around in your company in Linyuan. Linyuan, that's your company. People outside because of this matter They are all talking about you, I am really not convinced, it is really too much for the two of them to treat you like this."

"Jian'er, I'm really touched that you can consider me so much." Huo Linyuan sighed deeply and walked to Lan Min's side: "Jian'er, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down. I will definitely take that company over.”

After hearing this, Lan Min subconsciously grabbed Huo Linyuan's clothes and said to Huo Linyuan: "Linyuan, I can..."

"Whatever you want to say, just say it. There's really no need to hesitate like this. If there's anything else you and I can't talk about before, just say it." After saying this, Huo Linyuan gently put his hand down. On Lan Min's belly: "And you are still pregnant with my child. If you have any request, I will definitely agree to it."


Huo Linyuan frowned when he heard this: "What do you mean by saying this? What does it mean to be true? Is this thing still false? I have no sincerity towards you, so how can I still be in this world?" Who are you sincere to?"

When Lan Min heard this, he really wanted to cry.

 (End of this chapter)

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