Chapter 1032: I was fooled by myself

After Lu Jing said a lot more, he said seriously: "Aunt Sun, no matter what happens, no matter what happens to you, I will be by your side and protect you."

These words really made Sun Yinger not know what to say.

So Sun Ying'er coughed lightly: "What do you mean? You have been with me for so long. Why are you so dishonest? If something really happens or something happens, If so, then it seems like I am protecting you, what do you mean by you protecting me?

 I have encountered such a thing, and you still don't forget to brag. Why are you such an unreliable man? "

 Lu Jing:…

Lu Jing couldn't help scratching his head: "Aunt Sun, you can't say that, you're talking like what a waste I am, ahem, I am really a man after all. I still have to A little bit of face, I really don’t want much, just a little bit of face, it’s really not much.”

 Lu Jing understood that he had some... thoughts... about Sun Ying'er...

Although Lu Jing didn’t know what to do.

 But he also knew that if Sun Yinger continued to say this, Then I really have no face at all. Under such circumstances, I...

 Ahem, I still need to save face.

Sun Yinger really wants to laugh.

If she hadn't expected this big mouth to spread her reaction, then she would definitely have thought of driving this guy out. This guy was really a bit too much, and it really affected her operations, quite a bit.

Sun Ying'er still had some skills after all, so she restrained her emotions and glared at him fiercely.

After being stared at so hard by Sun Ying'er, what else could Lu Jing do? He could only say aggrievedly: "Okay, okay, I don't want face, I don't want face, Aunt Sun, you don't want me to want face, Then I don’t want to lose face.”

Well, Sun Ying'er really couldn't stay any longer, so she left directly.

  That’s pretty much it anyway.

 Now just wait for the news to get out.

Sun Ying'er originally had a good plan, but three days have passed and no news has been spread at all.

 Such a situation really makes Sun Ying'er a little confused. What type of situation is this.

Didn’t Lu Jing, the big mouth, say anything?


 According to her understanding of Lu Jing's temperament, he likes to hang out with the rich second generation. Although Lu Jing himself doesn't really want to talk nonsense, when Lu Jing hangs out with the rich second generation, he will talk nonsense after drinking too much.

 After all the nonsense... then spread the news.

 What happened this time?

 Why is it different from what I thought?

 Immediately arrange for someone to check Lu Jing’s itinerary.

 But you don’t know if you don’t check, but when you check, you’re still a little surprised. The reason for this is because Lu Jing didn’t hang out with anyone at night during this period, but stayed at home obediently.

 His itinerary for the day...there really was nothing but his own side.

With such an itinerary, it’s really a bit strange to go to Sun Ying’er.

What's wrong with this guy?

He immediately called Lu Jing in front of him: "You..."

 After saying this word, Sun Yinger felt a little regretful.

 She really felt now that she had been infected by Lu Jing's stupidity when she had Lu Jing around.

 After all, what did you say when you called him here? Do you have to ask...why you didn't go fooling around and talking nonsense during this period...I really feel so stupid, it's just stupid.

 (End of this chapter)

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