Chapter 1046 Come and fight, come and fight

"I understand what you mean. You must be doing this because you can't get me. Luo Qian, do you really want me like this? In order to get me, can you go to such lengths? Are you really like this? It makes me feel a little bit scary about you.”

When he heard this, Luo Qian became angry: "Lu Jing, if you continue to talk nonsense, then I will directly..."

"Why are you so direct? Come here, come here, come here, and tell me properly." Lu Jing not only said this, but also moved his face closer to him: "Do you want to say , you want to hit me, if you want to hit me, just come and hit me, come on."

Lu Jing is like this. If Luo Qian doesn't do something, will he still be a man? He immediately grabbed Lu Jing's clothes: "Lu Jing, do you really think I don't dare to do something to you?"

"Come on, I can do anything for my aunt. As long as you can let my aunt go, then you can do anything to me. Really, as long as you let my aunt go, no matter what you do, You can do anything to me!”

Luo Qian could still tolerate Su Nian because of the differences between men and women, but for this Lu Jing.

How can you endure this bastard?

 After all, both of them are men. If they are men, why do they have so much to say?

 Immediately hit him with a fist.

"Lu Jing, you forced me to do this, so I can only be rude to you and let you know what is dangerous."

Luo Qian really tolerated this Lu Jing for a long time.

Little did Lu Jing know that this was what he was waiting for, and he immediately said, "Luo Qian, you forced me to do this. If that's the case, then I won't be polite to you."

 Call back immediately.

Although Lu Jing is useless, he has also been exercising well during this period.

 So it is possible to really deal with this guy. But at this moment Zhou Xu's voice rang out: "Master Lu, now is not the time for a fight. Now we need to know where my wife is. Something may have happened to my wife now."

Lu Jing’s expression suddenly changed when he heard this.

 What does this mean?

  I immediately let go of Luo Qian.

 The reason why Zhou Xu came here was because he was afraid that Lu Jing would mess up or something would happen, so Zhou Xu could help him.

 But I didn’t expect that Zhou Xu would actually find a problem.

Zhou Xu said directly: "Master Luo, you and my wife were taken away together, and my wife only followed you because she had a quarrel with you and you took advantage of it. Why are you here?" If you show up here, where is my wife?"

 When Zhou Xu said this, his body began to tremble.

Perhaps at the beginning, Zhou Xu only regarded Su Nian as someone he could please, and felt that being by Su Nian's side would make him happy, but it was much better than being by Li Beichen's side.

 After all, as a modern social worker, who doesn’t want to find a job that is easy and pays well?

 But now that he realizes that something has really happened to Su Nian, he is really afraid in his heart.

 What to do if you’re afraid of something really happening…

"What do you mean? What you mean is that we are detaining Su Nian privately. We are legal persons. What you say is really a bit excessive."

 (End of this chapter)

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