Chapter 1059 Lan Zhen, do you love me?

 As time passes.

The situation of Huo Group is getting worse and worse.

Lan Min just looked at him, Huo Linyuan's expression getting more and more ugly.

Looking at those people trying to make things difficult for Huo Linyuan.

Of course Lan Min is also looking for opportunities to prove himself.

 Lin Na’s words also reminded her that she had to do something.

 Something must be done.

But...Lanji is a famous dodder flower, and it can do many things.

 What solutions can you come up with?

 So we can only serve a midnight snack when everyone has left.

 Express your concerns this way.

But after all, Lan Min has been with Huo Linyuan for so long, and she still understands Huo Linyuan to a certain extent.

  Lan Min had a feeling that Huo Linyuan was struggling with something during this time.

 Finally one day, Lan Min heard Huo Linyuan sighing when he came to deliver something.

Hearing this voice, Lan Min immediately knew that his opportunity had come.

"Linyuan, why are you sighing? I really don't want you to sigh. You are so powerful. How can anything in this world be difficult for you, so don't sigh."

  When Lan Min finished speaking, the sound of Huo Linyuan's heavy placing of documents rang out in the room.

Even if it is Lan Min who is my pillow.

 Hearing this sound, he was still frightened.

Before Lan Min could react, Huo Linyuan's voice sounded again: "Lan Min, do you love me?" These words really made Lan Min slightly stunned. What did he mean?

When Lan Min came back to his senses, he frowned: "What do you mean? What's wrong with you now? Are you worried that if something happens, I will leave you? Why are you like this?" think.

Haven’t I told you many times? In this world, no matter who betrays you, but I am the only one who will always be by your side, supporting you and accompanying you. "

 “Can you do anything for me?”

When Lan Min heard this, he immediately felt happy.

What does this mean? It means that the opportunity has come.

Now that such a good opportunity has come, of course Lan Min will not let it go. He immediately came to Huo Linyuan and held Huo Linyuan's hand: "Of course, you are my man and my belly." The father of your child is my most beloved person. Of course I can do anything for you, as long as you ask me, I will definitely do it.”

These words really moved Huo Linyuan's heart as much as he wanted.

  I immediately held Lan Min in my arms: "伈er, are you really like this?"

"Linyuan, what do you mean by this? Why do you always question my love? We have gone through so many things and still can't prove my love for you. You are like this..."

But before Lan Min could finish his words, he was interrupted by Huo Linyuan: "You can think so, I'm really happy, Lan Min, I am my favorite woman, I believe you will not let me down."

Lan Yan now feels something is wrong, but he doesn’t know exactly what is wrong.

But then I thought about it, could Huo Linyuan still harm himself?

 Lan Min may not have much confidence in other people, but he still has confidence in Huo Linyuan.

 Everyone in this world may hurt themselves.

 But this is the only one who doesn’t know how to do it: Huo Linyuan.

"Lin Yuan, you are right. Anyone in this world will let you down, but I will not. I will not let you down. Whatever you ask me to do, I will do it."

 (End of this chapter)

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