Chapter 1063 I understand your mood of being a villain.

“I understand how you feel when you are a villain now, but no matter how successful you are, you still need to have more brains. It’s really not good for you to always do such mindless things.”

   Lan Min’s hands clenched into fists.

Lin Na sat on the sofa in the office: "Okay, I advise you to be more sensible. You obviously have a brain. Don't be like this. You are always so brainless. You are really not afraid of your brain being damaged, although the brain has no shelf life. "

Such a humiliation.

 Unbridled humiliation.

"Lin Na, that's enough. Don't say such things. If you can only say such things, then I hope you can go out. After all, you are completely wasting my time talking here."

With such an attitude...Lin Na raised her eyebrows slightly: "I just said that you are a villain, but you still think I am talking nonsense, don't you think you are like this now?"

 Lan Min is full of anger in his stomach now.

 But even so, what else can Lan Zhen do?

"Are you so angry now that you want to kill me? Well, if you really have such an idea, then think about how you can achieve your current idea."

"Don't tell me, you are just dreaming. Who do you think you are? Can you still deal with me in a dream? If you really have such ability, then you will not be such a weakling."

“So you still have to find ways to improve your current status. I really feel that being with you is really boring. You still have to find ways to surprise me.”

What else could Lan Min do? He could only look at Lin Na angrily.

Lina was very satisfied with Lan Min's expression.

 This is what she wants.

 This will make this matter more interesting.

Thinking of this, the corners of Lin Na's mouth raised slightly.

Perhaps with Lin Na’s stimulation.

Lanji began to become more and more active and had to get involved in everything. Huo Linyuan's love for Lan Min became more and more.

 Leave everything to Lan Zhi.

 Even gave Lan the right to attend company meetings.

 Under such circumstances, Lan Min's confidence is really growing.

However, Lan Min has not forgotten the Li Group.

Although Lin Na didn’t speak very nicely, she reminded herself.

The Li family and the Huo family have been fighting for so long. If I help Huo Linyuan get the Li Group, wouldn't my position as Mrs. Huo be stable?

Anyway, Lan Min felt that if it really happened that day, then Huo Linyuan would definitely not have any doubts about him.

Now Lan Yan feels that he is lucky, maybe it is because God has really opened his eyes.

God can't bear to see that I have been bullied for so many years.

 Finally willing to stand on his own side.

 When Lan Zhen came to Huo Group.

 I heard the employees say.

“Miss Lan is becoming more and more popular. Do you think she might become our CEO’s wife?”

"I think it's possible. After all, I heard that Miss Lan is pregnant. She came to the company even though she was pregnant and interfered in so many things. There are so many women around Mr. Huo, but only this Miss Lan has come here. step."

"I heard that this Miss Lan is not from a well-known family, she can even be said to be from a bad family, but she is able to reach this point, which is really amazing."

"Of course it's awesome. If it's not awesome, how could it be like this? But I'm really envious."

 (End of this chapter)

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