Chapter 1068 Lan Min: Linyuan, I will prove it to you

But Huo Linyuan was very calm.

 There is no expression on his face at all, no anger, no worry.

Huo Linyuan said to the police: "I'm sorry, police officer, I want to say a few words to my girlfriend. My girlfriend is pregnant with a child now, so she is not in good spirits. Let me calm down first."

These words suddenly made Lan Zhi feel a little uneasy.

 What does this mean?

 What does Huo Linyuan mean?

After the policeman nodded, Huo Linyuan hugged Lan Min and walked to the seat next to him.

"Linyuan, what's going on? You can't ignore me. I really didn't do it."

Huo Linyuan hugged her while Lan Shi was chattering: "Lan Shi, you told me before that you can do anything for me. Are you lying to me?"

These words immediately made Lan Min feel nervous.

 What does this mean?

"Lan Min, you have been with me these past few days. I think you already know what kind of situation I am facing now. If I really don't do anything now, I will probably be taken care of by Su Nian and Li Beichen."

"My situation has really become extremely urgent. So I hope you can make this trip, but I can assure you that you are just going through the motions and nothing will happen to you."

Lan Min really didn't expect Huo Linyuan to say such a thing.

 Does he want to abandon himself?

"You don't think I'm going to abandon you, do you? We've been together for so long, don't you trust me? You keep saying that you hope I can trust you, but you don't trust me now, do you think I can still trust you? ?”

 But these words did not make Lan Zhi feel at ease.

After all, it was a police station.

  The last time Su Nian got involved, it left a big psychological shadow on her.

 I really don’t want to go now. But at this moment, Huo Linyuan spoke again: "Su Nian can go in, and Su Nian can stay in there for so many days. Haven't you always wanted to surpass Su Nian and prove that you are better than Su Nian? Then you What are you doing now?”

These words directly blocked Lan Min's words.

  Yes, Su Nian.

 I can’t be worse than Su Nian.

"Jian'er, do you still question my heart? If you go in, I will definitely find a way to turn around. You have to know that we are one, and you will become the person I trust most in the world."

These words completely stopped Lan Min from saying anything.

 Yes, she can't lose to Su Nian.

 Must prove that she is better than Su Nian.

“Linyuan, I will prove it to you.”

 Prove that I am no worse than Su Nian.

 Lan Min’s eyes were firm.

 He immediately let go of Huo Linyuan.

"Jian'er, go ahead. Don't worry, I will definitely protect you. Have you forgotten the last time? Last time, I didn't let you get any harm, and I won't let you get any harm this time either." of."

"I believe in you. I believe whatever you say. You are my man, my lover, and the father of the child in my belly. I know you will never hurt me."

"Okay, it's almost time. You'd better go. If you waste time like this, you will become a joke to others. You know, Su Nian didn't have any ink marks when he was taken away. If Su Nian and Sun Ying'er know that you So, then..."

Sure enough, after Lan Min heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

 Immediately, he quickly turned around and walked towards the police officer.

 (End of this chapter)

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