Chapter 1085: Talking is also a skill

 The little star didn’t want to give up this opportunity at all. ,

Because he had inquired about it, and Sun Ying'er didn't have a man, she was single, she had so much power, and the key was that she was still so young.

Such a good rich woman, if she doesn’t hurry up, she will be a fool.

But the one who is in trouble now is this nephew.

This nephew is really nosy, and he also has to take care of the elders' affairs.

However, the little star feels that he has a chance. After all, his appearance is here. Judging from Sun Ying'er's attitude, she also feels about herself.

"Okay, okay, Aunt Sun, don't forget. You have a lot of schedule today. Don't waste time here. If you continue here, what will happen to your next schedule?" Lu Jing Not only did he say that, but he also directly dragged Sun Ying'er away.

  Sun Ying'er was not given a chance to talk to the little star at all.

Just like that, Sun Ying'er was pulled out directly by Lu Jing.

 After being pulled out.

Sun Ying'er finally couldn't bear it anymore and broke away from Lu Jing's hand: "Okay, Lu Jing, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you, why are you like this, I do have some things behind me, but there's no need to be so anxious about those things. "

Lu Jing saw Sun Ying'er's appearance and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

"What happened? Why do I feel something is wrong with you? What are you hiding from me?"

"Aunt Sun, what you said means that I can hide something from you, and for you, you can clearly see my thoughts. If I still hide it from you, wouldn't I be a fool? Hey, I've told you this question a long time ago, why do you always think that I can do such a thing."

 How did you say this...

Sun Yinger still thinks there is something wrong with this guy.

 Just like being sneaky. "Why are you so sneaky?" Sun Ying'er's eyes were scanning like radar.

"I'm sneaky somewhere, woo woo, what's going on? Why don't you approve of anything I do, woo woo, I've been by your side for so long, and you're still like this, what's going on in your heart? Why is it so hard? What can I do to make you excited?"

How to say this... Sun Ying'er really didn't know what to say.

 I feel really guilty now.

As if I really felt sorry for this guy.

"I, I really didn't, you misunderstood, I really didn't think much about it, you misunderstood, I, I, I..." Sun Ying'er started to stutter when she wanted to say something.

Lu Jing was really jealous of that guy Huo Linyuan when he saw Sun Ying'er like this.

Jealous about that guy being able to make Sun Ying'er like him for so many years.


"Forget it, I also know that I have been Lan Min's licking dog for so many years, so I know what is going on, but I think I know very clearly that there is a thing called time to see people's hearts. As long as time goes by, Then you will definitely see my heart."

Sun Ying'er now really finds that Lu Jing is getting better and better at speaking.

Now facing this Lu Jing, I really feel a little confused.

She couldn't help but smile and said: "It seems that since you have been with me for such a long time, what you have gained is your ability to talk. It seems that you have not developed other skills."

If it had been someone else, then they might have thought that Sun Ying'er was being sarcastic. But Lu Jing was very happy after hearing this. After all, the skill of talking is also skill.

 (End of this chapter)

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