Chapter 1087 Punish as you want

 Lu Jing still has some brains.

 Of course I know that this situation is very dangerous.

 A smart person would change the topic now.


 But he really wanted to know, wanted to know what the standard was.

just in case…

So at this moment, Lu Jing clearly knew that Sun Ying'er's mood was not right, but he still continued to talk.

“In the eyes of you men, recognition of our women is entirely due to your liking. If men like her more, does that mean that this woman is very powerful?”

 Lu Jing’s expression changed when he heard this.

 He really didn’t expect that Sun Ying’er would actually think like this.

Then Lu Jing hurriedly said: "I really didn't think so, Aunt Sun, you really wronged me. Really, even if you really give me some courage, I won't do this to you."

"You say similar words every time. Just a few minutes ago, you were saying similar words to me. I'm really curious now whether such similar words have formed a muscle memory in your mind. Every time If I’m in a bad mood or in poor health, you will be like this too.”

 “No, no, no, you really misunderstood, I really didn’t do this”

"Then tell me, what do you mean by this, what's going on with you, tell me, tell me carefully, and I will give you a chance to say it, so that you can save yourself from being pitiful. It’s almost as if I’m giving you a hard time.”

 After saying this, Sun Ying'er looked at Lu Jing again.

Lu Jing really doesn’t know why things are like this, why they are like this despite just saying it, really...

 The more he did this, the more sweat became on Lu Jing's forehead.

After all, under the current circumstances, he couldn't say that he had any so-called feelings for Sun Ying'er.

The key point is that Lu Jing himself doesn't know what he is thinking. This is really a bit...

Sun Yinger was indeed very angry at first, super angry, but now...

 Really, now I really feel that this Lu Jing always has a way to make himself completely unable to get angry even though he is obviously very angry.

 Such a situation really left Sun Ying'er wondering what to do.

 Okay, okay, if you're wasting your time like this, then it's really not a good idea.

Sun Yinger just wanted to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, Lu Jing grabbed her hand and said, "I sincerely, absolutely sincerely do my best for you. No, my heart is with you. It must be with you. Why don't you just Hit me, hit me, I keep saying these meaningless things, just hit me."

 “I’ll beat you, can you remember it?”

 This question is really a question from the soul.

 It is definitely a question from the soul.

Seeing Lu Jing's attitude, Sun Ying'er continued: "Why don't you speak? What do you mean by such an attitude? Do you actually think that it is useless for me to hit you, so that's why you are like this? Even you think that you said That’s bullshit. If you have such thoughts, why should I believe you?”

 Lu Jing:…

Lu Jing saw how serious Sun Ying'er was and knew that he really couldn't get away with it this time.

He coughed a few times immediately: "If that's the case, then let me know, aunt, how you want to punish me, then punish me how you want me to be punished."


Lu Jing nodded crazily.

 (End of this chapter)

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