Chapter 1090 Fishing Law Enforcement

 But just when Sun Yinger was planning to take care of Lu Jing.

 Lu Jing actually appeared in front of her.

  It really happened.

But I really don’t speak.

 He gestured…

It really made Sun Ying'er couldn't help but wonder how much this Lu Jing loves to talk.

  I just want to say it even with gestures.

When Su Nian came here, he was a little stunned when he saw Lu Jing gesturing like a monkey.

  What kind of operation is this?

  How to make gestures?

"What's wrong with him? How long has he been mute? I don't know why." Su Nian asked curiously.

Sun Ying'er walked up to Su Nian and didn't say anything, just sighed deeply.

Although he didn’t speak, this sigh really contained a lot.

Su Nian immediately realized something was wrong when he heard this: "Sister, what did this guy do to you to make you like this?"

But when Lu Jing heard this, he walked to the desk angrily, picked up the pen and paper, and wrote a few words on the pen and paper.

—Auntie, what you said, what can I do to Aunt Sun? I am the best and most obedient. Whatever Aunt Sun asks me to do, I will do it. I am so obedient, how can you criticize me? You are really slandering my character now.

When Su Nian saw such a long paragraph, he couldn't help but say: "Lu Jing, you are really amazing. You can actually write so many words in such a short period of time. You are really good at this speed. "

Sun Ying'er then explained the matter.

Su Nian:…

Su Nian walked around Lu Jing a few times: "Lu Jing, what do you mean? Do you dare to act like a man?"

Lu Jing patted his chest.

  Means that one is a man.     "If I could get you to talk, then..."

Before Sun Ying'er could finish her words, Lu Jing frantically hid behind him.

This look is like Su Nian is a plague.

"Hey, he's really competing so fast now. Hey, I'm really going to be annoyed by this guy." Lu Jing really felt a little regretful now, regretting why he couldn't think about it.

 Punishment, why does Sun Ying'er now feel that this is punishment for herself.

 It is definitely a punishment for oneself.

 Ah, I’m really going crazy.

Lu Jing was also helpless. If he didn't do this, then he would really have no sense of existence. Maybe Sun Ying'er would ignore him all day long. That feeling would be really... and boring...

Several times, Lu Jing felt that he was about to commit a foul.

 That's why I do this, just to divert my attention.

Hey, he, Lu Jing, is so smart.

"It's okay. This guy makes mistakes often. If possible, just find an opportunity to catch him making a mistake next time, and then deal with him severely." When Su Nian said this, he glanced at Lu Jing: " If that’s not possible, then fishing enforcement can also be used.”

 After hearing this, Lu Jing's eyes suddenly widened, and he spoke subconsciously.

 But when it comes to your mouth, shut up quickly.

 He immediately covered his mouth.

Su Nian’s eyes were even more smiling.

Lu Jing felt that he couldn't get too close to his aunt here. If he got too close, he would really be doomed, so he moved his body and hid in a corner.

"Okay, let's talk about serious things. If we continue to talk like this, it will delay things, and I think even if we talk about this guy, it will be of no use." Sun Ying'er said in a helpless voice.

 (End of this chapter)

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