The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 1120: You'll be lucky if you don't tire Mo Bao to death

Chapter 1120: You’ll be lucky if you don’t exhaust Mo Bao to death

 Mo Bao is really angry now.

 The kind that is super angry.

 Because of what the father said about worry...but, it was typed on the computer screen: get up at six o'clock and run for an hour.

 What kind of beast is this?

Mo Bao was angry again because he had expected this father in his previous life.

 Why did I expect this guy in my last life?

 What can we expect from this guy?

 There is no point in expecting it at all.

If he were really allowed to go back to his previous life, then Mo Bao really felt that he might give himself a big slap in the face.

  What the **** is this.

The key point is that now he is still a child who cannot read, no matter how angry Mo Bao is.

 Now I can only pretend not to know him.

 That’s right! I just don’t know him.

 I’m really angry.

 So angry.

 What is this?

 Mo Bao had already decided at this time.

  If when the father reaches old age and the doctor asks him whether he should extubate the tube, and he hesitates even once, then he is not his biological child.

“Let’s do this, then learn to swim. Children like to play in water the most. Plus swimming lessons for one hour, and then cultural classes can’t be relaxed. After all, learning knowledge is the most important thing.”

 Mo Bao really felt like he couldn't control himself now.

I really can't control myself.

 Woohoo, why do you let yourself have such a father?

 At this moment, the study door opened again.

Su Nian walked in.

Su Nian originally saw that it was so late. Even if he was making trouble with Li Beichen, Li Beichen needed a good rest.

 But I didn’t expect to see such a scene when I came to the study.

  I did not expect such a picture.

 The whole picture is quiet and harmonious. "What are you father and son busy with?" Su Nian walked over slowly.

 Walked to Li Beichen's side.

  also looked over subconsciously.

 I saw Li Beichen’s computer screen.

  When Su Nian saw that moment, he really felt like countless crows were flying above his head.

 There are really a lot of crows.

Su Nian really didn’t know how to describe her mood.

 “This is the plan you made.”

"Yes, this is the plan I made, Nian Nian, I think if we use this plan to cultivate Mo Bao, then Mo Bao will really have a bright future."

Mo Bao looked over furtively.

 When I saw my mother's ugly face, I couldn't help but feel so proud.


  Let your father threaten you just now.

 Hahaha, I was so proud just now.

 If you don't let him suffer misfortune now, then you really are not a son.

 Then Mo Bao looked at his mother aggrievedly.

 And he shouted.

Su Nian just wanted to take Mo Bao away from his unreliable father.

"What's wrong, Nian Nian, I followed your wishes. What's wrong with you? No matter how I look at you, I feel like you're angry again."

Su Nian had a straight face: "Look at what you wrote. How can I not be angry with you like this? If I really don't get angry, I would be a fool."

"I even feel that you are being obedient. You don't take my words to heart at all. You are really a bit too much."

But Li Beichen was very innocent: "Nian Nian, what do you mean? I followed your wishes. What's wrong? With my method, I think I can train our children to be the best in the world." ”

 The best... Su Nian couldn't help but glance at the computer screen after hearing these three words.

 Just these things arranged by Li Beichen.

 You are lucky if you don’t exhaust your calligraphy to death.

 (End of this chapter)

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