The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 1127: Sometimes strangers are more reliable than relatives

Chapter 1127 Strangers are sometimes more reliable than relatives

Things were indeed what Su Nian thought.

 Leave from Li Jianhong.

Sun Zhuang immediately went to find Huo Linyuan.

And said to Huo Linyuan: "Mr. Huo, I really went, but this Li Jianhong is really a bit stubborn. I can't get anything out of Li Jianhong's mouth."

 Huo Linyuan was not surprised at all by this result.

 After all, who is Li Jianhong?

 If it were really that easy to be tricked, then it would be much simpler.

"It's okay. I also know Li Jianhong's temperament. You can go out."

Sun Zhuang wanted to say something.

 But Huo Linyuan was so direct that Sun Zhuang really didn't know what to do.

 After all, Huo Linyuan's ability to come and go as soon as he is called upon is really a bit unbearable...

Huo Linyuan saw that Sun Zhuang was not leaving and asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

 Do you have anything else to do?

 Huo Linyuan's words really made Sun Zhuang feel that he was one of Huo Linyin's subordinates.

 Treat it however you want.

No matter how dissatisfied Huo Linyuan was in his heart, he could only leave.

Wait for Sun Zhuang to return home.

 I saw Sun Yinger who had been waiting for a long time.

Sun Zhuang felt a little guilty when he saw Sun Ying'er.

 After all, he... ahem, how could he have thoughts of betrayal? He is me, and as me, I know more things than her daughter.

And Sun Zhuang felt that it was good for him to do this. If you play both sides in this way, you may be the ultimate winner.

When he thought of this, Sun Zhuang's expression became better: "What kind of expression are you looking at? Even if you don't go home, why do you still have such an expression? Do you want to rebel now? What do you want to do? I Tell you."

Sun Ying'er couldn't help but sneer when she saw her father like this.

 With such ability, he still participates in so many things.

 “You speak, you **** girl, speak.”

"What do I say, dad, what do you want me to say, or what do you want me to say? You won't feel good about anything I say now." Sun Ying'er paused when she said this: " Or are you feeling guilty now, Dad, what have you done to make you feel guilty?"

Now Sun Ying'er is no longer the Sun Ying'er who can only be used by the family to obtain benefits through marriage.

Sun Ying'er now can resist and has the ability to resist.

Because Sun Ying'er knew very clearly that Su Nian was behind her, and she had a sister who would always be behind her no matter what she did.

Of course Sun Yinger will find some things a bit ridiculous.

 After all, none of your relatives can be relied upon, and in the end you will be someone else, another stranger.

"What do I feel guilty about? What do I feel guilty about? Hahaha, do you know what to say? Your father, what do I feel guilty about? Hahaha, are you swearing? Do you know who you are talking to now? I I taught you so many things back then, but now I really feel like I’ve taught you everything.”

"Then what do you mean, dad? What do you want me to be like? You can teach me well. Do you want me to marry someone now? Will marrying anyone be able to bring some benefits to the Sun family? If If you really do, then I can, I really can.”

If Sun Ying'er had said this before, then her father Sun Zhuang might be particularly happy.

 Even jumping for joy.

He wanted to tell the whole world how obedient his daughter was.

 But now after Sun Ying'er said this, an embarrassed expression appeared on his face.

 Why is this happening...what else could be the reason...because now she will get more benefits from not marrying than from marrying.

 (End of this chapter)

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