Chapter 1129 Sun Ying'er's speculation became reality

"I will go to Su Nian now and tell my grievances. Haha, Li Beichen's life and death are unknown now, and Su Nian has the final say in the entire company. You said that if I go to Su Nian to complain now, after all, I will show that I can kill my relatives with justice. What do you think Su Nian would do?"

These words made Sun Zhuang's expression completely change.

 “You, you, you, you can’t do this.”

"Why can't I do this? Tell me why I can't do this. Since in your eyes, I am a disobedient daughter, a bastard, and a wicked daughter, so it is logical for me to do this. "

Sun Zhuang is really angry and his veins are bulging out now.

"Come on, hit me again now. Come on, hit me well. Come on, teach me a lesson. You'd better beat me to death. If you beat me to death, then there won't be so many Something happened.”

But how dare Sun Zhuang dare to attack Sun Ying'er now?

Sun Ying'er's eyes showed nothing but contempt, and then she turned around and walked outside.

When Sun Zhuang thought about what Sun Ying'er said just now, he couldn't help but feel a little scared. Then he subconsciously said: "What do you want to do, Sun Ying'er? What are you going to do? Don't forget, your surname is Sun. If something happens to the Sun family, , then you will also be unlucky, and you won’t have an easy time.”

Sun Ying'er laughed after hearing this: "What you said is like what benefits can I get from being in the Sun family. Originally, everything in the Sun family was not mine and I couldn't possibly be tainted by it. But now I have the disadvantages." , Haha, this world is really unfair.”

 After saying this, Sun Ying'er continued to run out.

I don’t know if it’s bad luck or what.

 It actually rained at this time.

Sun Ying'er had no intention of hiding, but continued walking.

 Go step by step.

 Soon the rain wet her clothes.

But Sun Yinger keeps moving forward.

Step by step.

  Has no intention of stopping.

I don’t know how long I walked. Sun Ying’er felt that she was almost done, so she sat on the side of the road.    She is waiting.

   etc...the so-called savior.

When she thought of this, a trace of ridicule appeared at the corner of Sun Ying'er's mouth.

 But Sun Ying was also a little curious.

 I wonder if that person will show up.

 If he doesn't show up, then his slap and the rain will be in vain. Hey, you must know that although it is raining now, it is easy to catch a cold.


Just when Sun Ying'er was complaining in her heart, she suddenly felt that there were no raindrops falling on her head.

Sun Yinger raised her head.

Huo Linyuan appeared in her sight.

Sun Yinger really wanted to laugh when she saw Huo Linyuan.

That's right, Sun Ying'er's behavior today was intentional. She deliberately provoked her father and was slapped **** purpose.

Sun Ying'er felt that it would be a bit abrupt for her so-called father to go to Li Jianhong, even according to Huo Linyuan's wishes.

 It is to test what is going on with Li Beichen?

 There is no special relationship between his father and Li Jianhong. Anyone with a little bit of brains knows that without a particularly good relationship, it is impossible to find out any information at all.

How could someone like Huo Linyuan not know this truth?

The only explanation is that Huo Linyuan is not like this, but someone else... wants to use other methods... in other words, the most suitable candidate.

At this time, Sun Ying'er quickly thought of herself.

If the previous events were all Sun Ying'er's guesses, the moment Huo Linyuan appeared, it proved everything!

 (End of this chapter)

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