Chapter 1137 Lu Jing: What do you mean? !

Lu Jing felt that he felt uncomfortable anyway.

 Then if another person can be more uncomfortable than yourself.

 My mood will definitely be better.

Then he came close to Li Beichen: "Are you really not uncomfortable? Your wife is so close to others, and she is so close in front of you. You are really not uncomfortable. Is this the love you have for my aunt? Hey. "

 “Are you itchy?”

 Lu Jing could clearly feel the anger on Li Beichen's body.

 This way Lu Jing is satisfied.

 Very satisfied.

Lu Jing continued: "Why do you say that? Why do you think I'm itchy? What I said is true. Is there really nothing in your heart? It shouldn't be. You are usually so possessive. I I know, you usually tell lies, you don’t care about my aunt at all.”

 The next moment, Li Beichen's fist appeared directly on Lu Jing's face.

 Very strong.

 Lu Jing also screamed loudly.

 Such a voice immediately made people look over.

 The two women's attention was successfully attracted.

"Li Beichen, what on earth has happened to you? Hit me no matter what you said. You are really going too far. Let me tell you, if you don't give me a perfect explanation today, then I will definitely not let you go. It’s yours.”

 Lu Jing speaks very loudly.

Sun Ying'er walked to Lu Jing's side and said helplessly: "What's wrong with you?" After hearing this, Lu Jing suddenly lost his composure: "Aunt Sun, what do you mean by this? What's the word for me?" "Yeah, what you said is as if I am the kind of person who messes around. It is obviously Li Beichen who bullies me. As my aunt, you must make the decision for me, and make the decision properly. "

Sun Ying'er was really speechless.

 Lu Jing, why does he feel like a child?

"Aunt Sun, I'm talking to you. Did you hear it? I've always been like this. Why don't you speak? I'm your nephew. Are you so cruel and cold to your nephew? You Why is this aunt like this?"

When Sun Ying'er heard this, she really couldn't stand it anymore, so she yelled at Lu Jing directly: "Shut up. If you don't shut up, I'll deal with you."

When Lu Jing heard this, he could only say nothing but shut up.

But Lu Jing’s little appearance really makes him feel aggrieved as much as he wants.

Immediately, Sun Ying'er walked up to Li Beichen and said directly to Li Beichen: "How did you do it? You are Lu Jing's uncle according to your seniority. Why don't you, the uncle, take care of his responsibilities? And you can take care of it. You Why are you bothering us?"

 Lu Jing:! !

 What does this mean?

 What does this mean? .

Li Beichen could only nod slightly: "I know, I'll take him away now and teach him a lesson." With that, he lifted Lu Jing up.

Lu Jing felt bad when he was treated like this: "Li Beichen, let me go, don't touch me, and what I do is obviously..."

Although Li Beichen felt a little bad, Li Beichen's mind was still somewhat rational. It was not the same as Lu Jing's. Su Nian was not alone, and it was impossible for him to let Su Nian's light shine only for him.

Moreover, Lu Jing’s goal was achieved by making such a fuss.

 (End of this chapter)

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