Chapter 1139 Mr. Lu is also capable of attacking people

Sun Ying'er learned some things from Su Nian.

 These words must be said.

 It is others who feel uncomfortable. Why should you be polite? If you are polite, then you will feel uncomfortable.

 This is really not worth it.

 Super not worth it.

Sun Zhuang's face was really red with anger: "It's not that you are useless. If you were slightly useful, you would have become Mrs. Huo long ago. A woman who cannot win a man's heart is a failure. Very soon. The kind that fails.

Now God sympathizes with you and lets Huo Linyuan see you. If you really don't cherish anything, then it will be too late for you to regret it, so you better stop making trouble. Huo Linyuan's patience is really limited. If you really mess around, then it's really not okay. "

"So hurry up and follow me to Huo Linyuan and apologize. In this case, your matter will be settled."

Sun Ying'er really couldn't listen to these words.

Even at this moment, Sun Ying'er felt that she was no longer a human being.

 It was just a piece of goods, a piece of goods that was bought and sold casually by the man in front of me.

The more Sun Zhuang talked about it, the more excited he became. He felt that a lot of the future was in front of him, and he could gain benefits by just moving his hands a little.

 Absolute benefit.

Sun Zhuang even walked up to Sun Ying'er while talking, intending to pull Sun Ying'er away.

Just when Sun Yinger was about to resist.

 Suddenly there was a loud shout: "What do you want to do? What do you want to do?"

 The next moment, Lu Jing appeared in Sun Ying'er's sight.

 Lu Jing directly forced them to separate. And looked at Sun Zhuang fiercely.

Sun Zhuang's expression suddenly changed when he saw Lu Jing.

An expression of flattery and flattery appeared on his face: "Young Master Lu, what are you doing?"

If just now, Sun Ying'er felt that her father's expression was a bit disgusting, now she is deeply disgusted.

Such a face.

  It is simply the face of a villain.

"What am I doing? If you ask me what I am doing, then I also want to ask what you want to do, what do you mean, what do you want to do to my aunt, please tell me carefully."

Although the Lu family is not as good as the Huo family, Sun Zhuang doesn't want to offend him.

"It's like this. There are some things that my Ying'er can't figure out. She's too willful. Mr. Huo is obsessed with her. This situation makes me a little bit moved. I really think she can't miss it. As a father, I'm really afraid of her. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life.”

Lu Jing understood immediately after hearing this, and his eyes became firm: "Sunzhuang, what do you mean, I understand, but you have to know your company, Mr. Li and I have been helping each other these days. If you have any brains, you should know that this is for Aunt Sun's sake. Are you really not afraid of anything? "

These words really made Sun Zhuang's face stiffen slightly.

But he still said with a smile: "Master Lu, what do you mean by that? Our relationship is really good now. Why do you say that? It really hurts the relationship between us." point."

"What is the relationship between Huo Linyuan, me, and Li Beichen? They are obviously enemies. You want to rush to marry my aunt to my enemy. What does your behavior mean? Your behavior is obviously betrayal. What is the so-called Relationship."

These words made Sun Zhuang panic.

"What do you mean by your attitude? Do you still want to eat both ends? If you really want to do this, then tell me what you are capable of. Be careful if you eat too much and are exhausted, then you will regret it. It’s not good.”

 (End of this chapter)

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