The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 116: "Su Nian, sometimes I am thinking about a question.

Chapter 116 “Su Nian, sometimes I’m just thinking about a question.”

Maybe it was because of the dream that Li Beichen couldn't help but look at Su Nian the next day.

After coming down a few times, Su Nian not only discovered it, but also felt a little embarrassed when Li Beichen stared at her.

Su Nian certainly has a way to deal with this situation.

 When Li Beichen looked at her again.

Su Nian walked up to him and said, "Beichen, why are you always looking at me today? Am I different today?"

"Yeah" Li Beichen responded after Su Nian finished speaking: "There is something dirty on your face, I don't know how to remind you."

Hearing this, Su Nian immediately reached out and touched his face.

 But no ashes were touched.

 I then realized that I seemed to have been deceived by Li Beichen.

【Did Li Beichen take no medicine today or took too much medicine? Why does he feel a little weird today? Why can't he tell what is weird? 】

It seems that Li Beichen had a nightmare last night. Could it be that Li Beichen was in a bad mood today because he had a nightmare and dreamed of something terrible? 】

Li Beichen realized that he seemed to have looked at Su Nian too many times.

 He couldn't continue to look at Su Nian like this.

 Actually, Li Beichen really didn't blame him. He didn't know why. He knew clearly that everything in the dream was false, but he looked at Su Nian.

He still couldn't help but overlap her with the Su Nian in the dream.

Su Nian, who was deceived by Li Beichen, felt that the matter could not be settled like this, and immediately approached Li Beichen: "Thank you, Beichen, if you don't remind me, then I really don't know, but you can Please help me see if there is any dust in other places. That way I can clean it up at once.”

“No more.” “Just ashes?”


Su Nian immediately looked at Li Beichen with grateful eyes: "Beichen, you are becoming more and more attentive to me now. I have a bit of ash on my body, you can see it. I am really a little too excited now."

  【Didn't you lie to me? I feel disgusted with you so early in the morning! 】

At the end of the sentence, Su Nian's voice became sweeter: "I know that as long as you are with me, you will definitely see the good in me, so I have already said that you give me a chance, If you had listened to my advice before, we might have fallen in love by now."

Now Li Beichen's mood was relieved because of Su Nian. After Su Nian finished speaking, he glanced at him and pulled Su Nian directly in front of him: "Su Nian, sometimes I just think about someone. question."

"what is the problem?"

"I'm thinking, should I arrange a consultation with a brain hospital for you? After all, it's just a small thing like pointing out the dust on your face, but how can it become such a big deal when it comes to your mouth? I want to give you Check, do you have a problem with your cognition or something else? After all, you bear the name of Mrs. Li Beichen. If you really have any problem, then I still have to bear it. "

Su Nian…

   If this guy can’t speak, why does he have a mouth? This is really too much to say. 】

Su Nian really wants to curse now.

but! Who makes her a vicious female supporting character.

So Su Nian could only endure all the discomfort and directly put his arms around Li Beichen's neck: "Beichen, haven't you ever heard of the saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Because I like you, so you are in my eyes. Everything is good here.”

  But I didn’t expect that at this moment, the door would be pushed open.

 (End of this chapter)

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