Chapter 1189 Lu Jing’s self-knowledge

Who would have thought that Zhou Xu's expression changed immediately when he heard this: "What flattery? Why do you miss me so much, Mr. Lu? Besides, how do you know that what I say is not true? If I speak the truth, in your case In your eyes, you think this is the case, you..."

Lu Jing looked at Zhou Xu.

 The sight slowly becomes very clear.

 But Zhou Xu looked puzzled under Lu Jing's eyes: "Young Master Lu, why are you looking at me like this? Do you want to take a look at your eyes? I feel like there is something wrong with your eyes."

 Lu Jing: ...He is angry, okay. ,

At this critical moment, Su Nian also said: "Yes, I think there is something wrong with Lu Jing's eyes. I have never seen Lu Jing look like this before."

Sun Ying'er heard this and circled around Lu Jing, then nodded and said, "I think so too, hey, what's wrong with Lu Jing's eyes? Why does he feel a little cross-eyed?"

 Lu Jing was really speechless now. What does cross-eyes mean? ,

 He was obviously angry.

Isn't this what Su Nian looks like when he's angry?

He has been with Su Nian for so long and learned it with great difficulty. Why did he become cross-eyed?

Lu Jing wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. After all, he couldn't say it. The way he talked about Su Nian became cross-eyed.

No matter how stupid Lu Jing is, he still knows that if he really says that, he may become a joke, a complete joke.

The key is that at this time, Sun Ying'er said: "I think we should find a hospital to take a look. After all, Lu Jing, you are only so young, and you still have such an identity. If you have cross-eyes, it will be very influential."

Su Nian nodded quickly when he heard this: "Yes, yes, what you said makes sense, very much. Zhou Xu, go check and see which hospital treats cross-eyes."

Lu Jing immediately lost his composure: "No, no, no, I really don't have cross-eyes. You misunderstood me. I'm not cross-eyed. The way I looked just now was really not cross-eyed. You really misunderstood." But Sun Ying'er was serious. He walked up to him and said seriously: "I know you are a face-saving person, but this matter really cannot be overcome by face-saving. If it doesn't sound good, if you treat it as soon as possible, then you can treat it as nothing. It happens if you don’t treat it as soon as possible.”

 “I really don’t have anything, I really don’t have anything.”

  At this moment, Su Nian hit him **** the head: "You have nothing, your look in your eyes is just like a child pretending to be weird. Now I even think Mo Bao is smarter than you." -

 That's right, Su Nian and Sun Ying'er were trying to scare this guy.

This guy started making faces as he spoke.

 Such a guy is really unreliable.

However, he didn’t expect that Lu Jing would show an aggrieved expression when he heard this: “Auntie, you guys are really going too far. I don’t care about my expression like this, woo woo woo.”

It’s still whining.

Su Nian and Sun Yinger were really speechless.

The key is that Lu Jing also said: "Auntie, you compare me with Mo Bao. This is really unfair to me. Mo Bao is so smart, can ordinary people compare with him?"

 Lu Jing did this on purpose, deliberately diverting everyone's attention.

Lu Jing felt in his heart that he had to talk to Zhou Xu properly.

Go to Zhou Xu and give him a good talk.

 (End of this chapter)

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