Chapter 1197 Fate is determined inadvertently

Lu Jing naturally understood what this meant.

 He smiled.

"You are right. You have known me for a long time and know that I am the most shameless person. When I loved Lanmin before, no matter what Lanmin did to me, I would always be by her side, even if I knew her very well. Just use me as a backup."

"But when I faced Sun Ying'er, I seemed to have changed. I knew clearly that she couldn't fall in love with me, and I told myself in my heart that I had to accept my fate. No matter what, I would just be by her side. But look When you get close to her, I still feel uncomfortable, very uncomfortable."

Zhou Xu certainly didn’t expect Lu Jing to be like this.

 After all, in Zhou Xu's eyes, this Lu Jing is a **** who has no brains but is very kind. It is really interesting to play with such a person.

 But I didn’t expect it to be like this.

This Lu Jing is really attentive.

"Then you do something nice to her. If you can impress her, then you can embrace her beauty. If you can't impress her, then you can also be happy. After all, if you fall in love with someone, it is impossible to fall in love with her. There are many possibilities.”

Lu Jing laughed directly after hearing this.

“Hahaha, I can really be said to be a licker in my life, hahaha, it was the same when I fell in love with Lan Min, and it’s the same now.”

 Zhou Xu frowned: "But Miss Sun is not that woman."

Yes, Sun Ying'er is not that Lanzi.

Lu Jing thought of Sun Ying'er.

 Like a glow.

 Every woman in this world should look at him the same.

 She, like Su Nian, is really excellent. "Hey, my life may be like this, but I don't have any sense of existence around my grandson. After all, I really don't think she needs me in any way."

"She is really outstanding." Lu Jing smiled miserably after saying this: "We obviously knew each other before, and we met before. Why didn't I fall in love with her? Why didn't we have any intersection."

Lu Jing sometimes really thinks this fate is a fun thing.

 Obviously, I had many encounters with Sun Ying'er in the past.

 But he never did.

If I could fall in love with Sun Ying'er before she fell in love with Huo Linyuan, if...

“This is fate. Fate has been arranged a long time ago, but we just didn’t discover it.”

Lu Jing agrees with this.

 Everything in this world is attributed to fate.

But Lu Jing just smashed the wine bottles in his hands to the ground: "What a **** fate, what a **** God, I don't believe in any fate, I am so good, why can't you like me? I don't believe it, I don't believe it" What fate is there in this world?”

When Zhou Xu saw Lu Jing like this, he quickly agreed: "Actually, Mr. Lu, you are really excellent. You are just a little more reliable. Your advantages will definitely be seen by others."

But when Lu Jing heard this, he sighed deeply: "Be more reliable. Do you think I don't know that I need to be more reliable? My temperament is really a bit... I want to work hard to become more reliable." , I’m really trying to make myself more reliable, do you believe it?”

 And Zhou Xu obviously didn’t believe it.

This made Lu Jing even more helpless.

 (End of this chapter)

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