Chapter 1205: The heart can’t help but soften

 After saying this, Li Beichen hugged the person directly.

Su Nian saw Li Beichen's actions and understood what this guy was trying to do, but he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

But unexpectedly, Li Beichen just carefully put her on the bed.

 And gently started massaging.

Su Nian was really curious when she saw him like this, wondering how far this man would go.

 But time passed little by little.

 The man made no movement at all.

 Instead, focus on the massage.

 Really comfortable.

 It was so comfortable that Su Nian really wanted to sleep.

 Such a situation really made Su Nian think that this guy was a bit of a sexual convert. Why was he so honest?

 When Su Nian was about to fall asleep.

 The man stopped and held her in his arms: "Go to sleep."

Su Nian's eyelids really felt like they were about to fight, but... still couldn't help but ask: "Why are you different from your usual self today? Why?"

Li Beichen naturally understood what the little woman meant by saying this, and then he smiled, then lowered his head and kissed the little woman on the forehead: "I know what you mean, but I want you to know that I am a man better than a son. It’s much more reliable and considerate, so you won’t listen to that little scoundrel’s nonsense.”

 The key is that Li Beichen felt that yesterday... was a bit too much... so he asked this little woman to leave today.

 Don’t stay at home too much.

Li Beichen felt that he still had to have a sense of propriety.

If it's really too much, then it's really not good for this little woman to be angry and stay alone in an empty room.

But Li Beichen didn't know that every time he touched her body, he was like a drug addict, addicted crazily, very addictive. Even if I don't press this little woman hard into my body, I feel that my body is very empty. That kind of emptiness is a feeling that cannot be described in words.

  It’s just very empty anyway.

Li Beichen felt that he had to get rid of this problem.

 After all, they still have a long time in this life, so they have to take it easy.

Unexpectedly, the little woman in his arms had the same idea.

 And the idea is really... survive...

  【Hey, men are really a bit weird. 】

  【But it just so happens that I can take a good rest, and it is really good to take a rest like this. After all, he is in his thirties. Although there is a saying that a man is thirty-one flowers, his age is still here after all. 】

  【You should take it easy, lest you get really old. 】

[Hey, I’d better not talk about such a topic. If I continue this topic, what if I make the man feel inferior? Hey, this man’s self-esteem is also very strong. I’d better not talk too much. If I really say If you say something wrong, it will be bad. The one who suffers is still himself. 】

Li Beichen:…

When Li Beichen heard this, he planned to attack this little woman immediately, and then tear her apart and swallow her whole.

But seeing the sleepy look of this little woman, what else could Li Beichen do. He could only simply smile, and then gently place a kiss on the woman's forehead.

“Sleep well, I’ll settle the score with you tomorrow.”

 When he said this, there was countless nostalgia in Li Beichen's voice.

When Su Nian heard this, he fell asleep completely peacefully, but subconsciously, he crawled into Li Beichen's arms. Such a subconscious move really made Li Beichen's heart completely soften. .

 (End of this chapter)

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