Chapter 1213: All trees and grass are soldiers

Luo Qian said this.

  It really made Sun Yan calm down.

But Sun Yan was really a little aggrieved.

“Master Huo, do you think this is true or not? Will Su Nian do this? If Su Nian really does this and this thing really exists, what should we do?”

The reason Luo Qian is so worried is because he feels that if Su Nian really has such a thing in his hands, and he is now against Su Nian, then if Su Nian uses it on him, it will be over.

Luo Qian became even more worried when he saw that Huo Linyuan remained silent.

"Is this Su Nian still a woman? Why do she have such vicious thoughts in her mind? No kind-hearted woman would have such thoughts. It's really too much. Why are there such vicious thoughts in this world? woman."

 “Why does such a vicious woman survive in this world?”

When thinking of this, Luo Qian looked up at Sun Yan: "Sun Yan, are what you said untrue? Are you talking nonsense?"

Sun Yanzai felt that she was doubting herself, so she subconsciously retorted: "I don't, I really don't. My heart for Mr. Huo is really a lesson from heaven and earth. I have been in love with Mr. Huo for I don't know how many years. I have loved Mr. Huo for so many years. Don’t you see Mr. Huo’s love in your eyes?”

 But even so, Luo Qian still didn't believe it.

Sun Yan still had some brains and knew that if she couldn't prove herself now, it would really be over. Then she quickly said: "Master Luo, you are also a smart person. I just want to ask, if I am really over there?" So what benefits can I gain? Can my so-called sister treat me sincerely? "

But Luo Qian still looked at Sun Yan.

 This really made Sun Yan feel a little nervous.

 Don’t know what to do.

At this moment, Huo Linyuan's voice rang out: "Okay, okay, don't be so worried, you will only make yourself confused." When Huo Linyuan finished speaking, Luo Qian used Sun Yan's words He looked away.

"But if Su Nian does this, what should we do? Should we pretend that we don't know anything? If this is really the case, then in case of an emergency, Linyuan, you must know that there is a saying, don't be afraid of ten thousand, be afraid What if, what if something happens?”

 Huo Linyuan also had a headache.

What else could Huo Linyuan do in order to be afraid of this eventuality.

 You can only ask someone to check it out.

 And…a lot of force was used…

Even Su Nian knew this...

Su Nian was really speechless when he heard the news.

"Hey, there are really a lot of enemies over there. Nian Nian, you are really majestic. I really don't know why the people over there are against us. Isn't this asking for death?" Sun Ying'er couldn't help it. Make complaints.

Lu Jing next to him also laughed: "Hahaha, they are so mentally retarded that they can actually believe it. I think aunt, if you spread rumors in the future about how you used some means to obtain the missile, then they will also believe it."

Su Nian also said a little helplessly: "Hey, they really make me feel that I am a bit demonized, hey... am I that powerful? If I am really that powerful, then that would be great. "

"Auntie, you are really a bit too powerful. You are not an ordinary person at all. These people are acting like fools if they go against you. Hahaha, I was smart and surrendered in time. If I go against you , then I’m really finished.”

 (End of this chapter)

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