Chapter 1242 Li Jianhong’s attitude

 Mr. Qian saw Li Beichen like this.

  It’s really a bit incredible.

"You, you, you, you know what you are doing now, Li Beichen, no matter what, I am still your elder, why do you treat me as an elder like this? Do you still take me as an elder in your eyes?"

"I've done this, so I don't care about you. What's there to be curious about? Mr. Qian, I'll give you a chance. Get out of here as far as you can. , if you really don’t get out, then I won’t be polite to you.”

Li Beichen's eyes were so fierce that they could kill someone.

At this moment, Li Jianhong's voice rang out: "Li Beichen, what are you doing? Why are you acting so nonsense now? If you are acting nonsense, then I, as a father, will be really rude to you."

Li Beichen just let him go.

 He left immediately.

 During this period, he didn't even look at Li Jianhong's father.

Li Jianhong walked up to Mr. Qian at this time, and a smile instantly appeared on his face: "Old Qian, my Beichen is in a bad mood. Don't argue with the children. Don't be angry."

"What does it mean not to care about children? What does it mean to be a child like this? And when you say this, are you feeling a little guilty? This person as old as Li Beichen is still a child. This is really enough for you. After all, I have watched him grow up since childhood, and even saying that he is his elder is not a big deal. The way you are now is really..."

Li Jianhong listened patiently to the guy in front of him.

 But Qian always says so.     The more I feel that the person in front of me is a bit bad.

But when I thought about Huo Linyuan's words, I could only endure it and continue to say: "I'm talking to you. Have you listened to me? Jianhong, we have been in a relationship for so many years, and I regard you as my own." My dear brother, don’t you regard me as your dear brother at all? I’m really disappointed by your behavior.”

Li Jianhong continued: "Yes, yes, I understand what you mean, but you also know that Beichen had health problems before, and he has not even come to the company for so long. You also saw his appearance just now, and his health The situation is not good, so as an elder, can you be a little more tolerant? In this case, you, as an elder, can act like an elder. "

"After all, there may be a lot of people looking at us now. If you are so fussy about it, it will really look bad."

"What does it mean to be careless? Now I have become a careless person. Li Jianhong, do you know what you are talking about? If you say this, it will easily chill the hearts of us old friends."

At this time, Li Jianhong's expression finally changed: "Old Qian, I understand your mood very well, but I have already told you carefully here that my brat is indeed a bit bad, but I also feel that I, Li Jianhong, am also a bit It’s shameless. I’m here to apologize to you with my own face. I think I have more face than that brat. You’re really going too far.”

Mr. Qian looked at Li Jianhong and frowned.

Li Jianhong had no intention of continuing to talk to him, so he turned around and left.

The attitude of turning around and leaving really made Mr. Qian's face change.

 Then Mr. Qian hurriedly called his friend.

 (End of this chapter)

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