Chapter 126 Kissing in front of reporters

  Lan Yan looked at the situation online.

 I feel very satisfied.

 At the same time, I feel that Su Nian’s behavior is really stupid.

At first, Li Beichen didn't even like her, but he still wanted to interfere in the company's affairs.

This makes Lan Min feel more and more that Su Nian is not worthy of someone as outstanding as Li Beichen.

She suddenly felt a little funny. After all, the last time she saw Li Beichen in that state, she could tell that Li Beichen was already a little attracted to Su Nian.

 But now it’s better, and Su Nian has finished tormenting him again.

Lan Min felt more and more that as a good friend, he shouldn't see Li Beichen with such a woman.

 This is the time.

 As Li Beichen's best friend, I should stand up at this time!

 Lan Min felt that he really needed to call Li Beichen now.

But when Lan Min's eyes fell on the screen again, he saw the system prompt [The blogger you follow "Li's Group" just posted a Weibo, welcome to watch~]

 She clicked in.

 Then the smile froze on his face.

 The reason for this is because the Li Group officially released a video.

 The video is edited from multiple surveillance videos.

She clicked in and saw Li Beichen shopping with Su Nian.

 Even in the video, Li Beichen looked at Su Nian frequently.

 The whole appearance of a happy young couple.

But Lan Min soon realized what he was doing.

Li Beichen's father likes his daughter-in-law Su Nian very much. Now that Su Nian encounters such a situation, Li Beichen's father will definitely not just watch her like this.

At this moment, Lan Min suddenly felt that he had a heavy responsibility.

 I started posting on Weibo immediately.

Lan Min: Su Nian, why do you want to fake it? Do you dare to do it but not admit it?

 In my eyes, Beichen is my brother.

 How can I trust my brother to you when you look like this?

Then Lan Min called Li Beichen. But as soon as he got through, Li Beichen died immediately.

However, Lan Min is not angry either. If her guess is correct, she should be settling accounts with Su Nian now.


Li Beichen thought he would send out the video.

 Then it can be reversed.

 Can change everything.

 But I didn’t expect that there are still those online.

Even thought it was the old man who was speaking out for Su Nian.

Of course what makes Li Beichen even more unhappy is Su Nian's current attitude.

Su Nian's indifferent attitude didn't disappoint him at all, and he even said it in his heart.

[Hey, the heroine is the heroine, she is so awesome. The world revolves around her, so what’s the use of this? Just like Li Beichen looks like now, it seems that he wants to make the decision for me, but to put it bluntly, it’s just In order to compete with the heroine. 】

Li Beichen frowned and walked up to Su Nian with a solemn expression.

Without saying a word, he took Su Nian's hand and walked outside.

Su Nian was really confused by Li Beichen's sudden behavior.

  【What does Li Beichen want to do? What does he want to do? 】

   【Why are you walking so fast? Aren't your legs just a little bit longer than mine? As for what it looks like! It's really abominable. 】

 At this moment, there are reporters outside Li's Manor.

 The reporters couldn’t get here originally, so these reporters were obviously the work of Lu Jing or Huo Linyuan.

When Li Beichen showed up with Su Nian, all the reporters went crazy.

Hand the camera, he filmed the two of them crazily.

Li Beichen immediately came to the crowd. After standing still, he kissed Su Nian's lips directly.

 Under the dense flash lights, under Su Nian’s shocked gaze.

 Just kiss like this.

 (End of this chapter)

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