Chapter 1264

These words really made Sun Yan feel a little scared.

What does this Su Nian mean?

But Sun Yan comforted herself in her heart not to be afraid, not to be afraid, if she was really afraid, then she was timid, so don't be timid.

Just when Sun Yan was about to say something.

Su Nian immediately changed the topic: "But if you can't, can't marry Mr. Huo and become the head mother of the Huo family, I want to know what you will do then, will you become a joke to the whole world? Hahaha, I can even stand up and spit on you."

  When Su Nian said this, he also made a look like he was spitting.

This look really made Sun Yan feel afraid, so she subconsciously stepped back.

But Sun Yan didn't mean to back down: "Mrs. Li, I know, you said this just to make me think about retreating so that my sister can succeed. Haha, you underestimate me with this idea. It’s too much to underestimate my love.”

"If what I said is all lies, then why do you step back, why are you so afraid, what do you have to be afraid of, you can't even lie to yourself, why do you think you can lie to me like this? In your mind, my joke is a bit too much."

"What do you mean? Are you threatening me? Su Nian, you can't defeat me, so you threaten me. Do you think it's funny? Do you even think it's funny?"

Su Nian smiled when he saw Sun Yan like this, and then took a few steps back.

 But just taking a few steps back, she showed her heart.

"I love Mr. Huo. No matter what happens, I can't change it, and no one can change it."

Su Nian shrugged: "I'm not in the mood to change this. I'm just telling you the truth. If you really don't like to hear me tell the truth, then I won't tell you. Anyway, I know the real situation. You must understand how you feel. Well, since you are here, I won’t waste time here. I’m afraid that if I continue to stay here, in your eyes, I will not know what this man is thinking. If it is true that If this news comes out, my reputation will be completely ruined. It’s hard to say, but I’m still young. If my reputation is ruined, what will I do in the future?”

Su Nian turned around and left immediately after saying this.

They didn't even give Sun Yan a chance to speak.

But when Su Nian was walking and about to disappear from Huo Linyuan's sight, he suddenly covered his heart.

 But only once.

 But just this moment made Huo Linyuan feel good.

 Hahahaha, Su Nian's body did have an accident.

 Indeed, according to Su Nian's temperament, if there was nothing wrong with her body, she would definitely lie in the hospital and control everything, but not this time, why not this time.

Huo Linyuan felt that his move was the right one.

 When he turned around and saw Sun Yan's face, he smiled.

When Sun Yan saw Huo Linyuan's smile, her mood immediately improved.

 After all, Huo Linyuan is like this because he feels that he has done a good job. If this is the case, then he has won the heart of the man in front of him.

 (End of this chapter)

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