The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 129: Am I your biological child, or is Su Nian your biological child?

Chapter 129 Am I your biological child, or is Su Nian your biological child?

The news that Li Beichen was holding Su Nian's hand was quickly released.

There was an uproar online.

 After all, the real owner appeared in person.

 There are still some voices saying that Li Beichen is doing this for the benefit of the company and to take into account the reputation of the Li family.

Li Beichen looked at the messy news with an unusually solemn expression.

Through this incident, Li Beichen was able to see how difficult it would be for him to break this rule.

But at this moment, he remembered what Su Nian said, that they were such children in their previous life.

 It seems that there is a way to break the so-called rules and the so-called plot.

Just when Li Beichen was thinking about things.

The cell phone’s ringtone rang suddenly.

Li Beichen frowned slightly, then took the phone and saw the old man's phone number displayed on the screen.

 He pressed the answer button.

"Beichen, you finally woke up, you finally saw the benefits of Nian Nian, you know? I even planned to divorce you and Nian Nian, and then find a good home for Nian Nian, hahaha, You have figured it out now, just think about it.”

Hearing what the old man said, Li Beichen couldn't help but ask: "Divorce"

"Yes, I didn't realize that coercion is sweet until you get married, so I've been thinking recently about whether to divorce you two. After all, although Nian Nian is young, a woman's age cannot afford to delay. "When the old man said this, he sighed deeply: "After you and Niannian divorced, she took half of your property, and then I gave her some. When the time comes, I will find another one who will probably be better than you. Point.”  While Li Beichen was listening to the old man’s words, the thought of Su Nian wanting to use his money to find another man came to his mind.

 I couldn’t help but feel a little upset for a while.

He reached out and pulled the tie around his neck: "What if I don't agree?"

The old man opposite obviously didn't expect that Li Beichen would actually say this, but he immediately said in a contemptuous tone: "Why don't you agree? What, you want to occupy the latrine and not shit? How immoral?" After finishing speaking, At this point, the old man seemed to realize that he had made a mistake, and he quickly sighed: "That's what I meant anyway."

"You now admit that it was wrong for me to marry Su Nian?" Li Beichen choked back.

But I didn't expect the old man to say: "No, it's one thing that Nian Nian wanted to marry you at the beginning, but I think Nian Nian is too young. If she is saddened by the brat outside, then I may If I don't care about you, it's better to give you a favor. If you don't succeed, then Nian Nian won't suffer much loss with me. In this case, Nian Nian won't be easily deceived by men outside in the future. "

Li Beichen:…

He is a guinea pig.

 And the old man continued to make up for it: "Isn't there a saying? Who hasn't experienced a few scumbags when they were young?" ]

"Am I your biological child, or is Su Nian your biological child?" Even Li Beichen couldn't help but ask.

"If I had a choice, then I would rather choose Nian Nian as my biological daughter. And if it weren't for the fact that you are my son, how would you get this good thing? Anyway, this is my attitude. What should I do? Look at you."

Li Beichen hung up the old man's phone directly.

He felt that if he listened to the old man, he might really be mad at him!

 (End of this chapter)

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