Chapter 1292 Quarrel

Li Beichen put away his joking expression and said with a solemn face: "What do you mean? What did I do? What did I do before? What do you mean by what you said? Why do you feel that what I did before was too much?" It’s the kind of thing that makes you angry when you think about it. Did I do that kind of thing? Why don’t I know it? If you tell me, I will definitely change it.”

"You always say you should change it, but when have you changed it? I find that you are a really thick-skinned man. I have never seen you so thick-skinned. Hey, why do I always say this? I am now You all feel that my words are a bit too much, making you feel that there is no point in continuing like this..."

While the two were flirting, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Li Beichen didn't have time to react.

 The office door opened directly.

Li Beichen's face suddenly became serious.

 It was as if his entire aura had changed.

"Uncle Qian, what are you doing here?" Li Beichen said directly when he saw the person coming.

 The person who came was none other than Mr. Qian.

Mr. Qian glanced at the two of them, and then said coldly: "You guys look like you are talking in a mysterious way. Li Beichen, do you still remember your own identity now? What do you mean by being so messy? If outsiders see you like this It will look like this, and then it will be spread out. What will happen to our company’s reputation? You talk about it, and you talk about it carefully.”

 The way Mr. Qian said this, if you didn't know better, you would have thought that Li Beichen had violated some so-called law of heaven.

"Uncle Qian, don't worry about it. After all, apart from you, I don't think anyone has the courage to break into my office directly."

"What do you mean by this? Do you mean that I shouldn't come here? Don't forget that I am your elder. Is this how you treat your elder? Beichen, please treat me well." Tell me, if you don't give me a perfect reason, then I will definitely talk to your father and tell you whether you are right or wrong. "

"What did I say? Why did you have such a big reaction, Uncle Qian? Haha, what's wrong with me now? Why is it that no matter what I do, I am always wrong? And even Uncle Qian, who has such a good temper, you treat me badly." Look like this, Uncle Qian, you have been in the company for so many years, have you forgotten that what I don't like the most is someone putting up a chart of elders in front of me, because I really feel that there is really no use in putting up such a chart. "

"It's useless, why is it useless? Don't you know that respecting the elderly and caring for the young is a traditional virtue in our country? You look like this, it makes me feel that you don't even have the most basic virtues."

The expression on Li Beichen's face was extremely arrogant: "Virtue, haha, I really never think that I have any morals. If you use those morals to flaunt me, it is really ridiculous, super ridiculous, and never No one comes to me and says this.”

"You, you, you, Li Beichen, you know what you are doing to me. If you didn't come out for so many days, if your father didn't come out to take charge of the overall situation, then we don't know what our company would be like. Now you are messing around again, what the **** are you doing? Why did it become like this? You really make me super disappointed now. I really never thought about you..."

Li Beichen's brows tightened, and he looked like he had reached the limit of his patience: "Uncle Qian, I call you uncle to give you face and respect. You can indeed be said to be worthy of my respect for you before, but you are like this now , It really makes me feel that you are not sorry at all!”

 (End of this chapter)

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