Chapter 1304: You have to be smart when you need to be smart

"Stop, stop, stop talking. You look like a child now. How old are you this year? Is this really appropriate for you? Fortunately, Mo Bao is not with me now. If Mo Bao was by my side, then I will definitely take care of you." When he said this, Su Nian's disgust was really not hidden.

Sun Ying'er also said beside her: "Yes, fortunately Mo Bao is not here now. If you, Lu Jing, really led Mo Bao astray, then your crime will really be over."

Lu Jing, who was disliked, was a little unhappy when he heard this: "How can you say that? As the elders, why don't you let me make the decision? You are really a bit cruel, wuwuwu, see me This nephew has suffered such injustice, but you do this, which is really too much. "

But Su Nian walked directly in front of Lu Jing, and then hit Lu Jing hard: "Lu Jing, you are an adult after all. Can you stop being like this? Do you know that you are really like this?" It makes me feel sick. If you are like this, I will be really rude to you."

This made Lu Jing's expression even more aggrieved.

But Lu Jing only looked like this on the surface, but in fact Lu Jing was very happy in his heart.

Hehe, everyone said he was stupid, but now Lu Jing really feels that he is not stupid at all. Hehe, didn't this divert the attention of the two women?

  I am obviously as wise as I am foolish.

Su Nian and Sun Yinger continued to discuss the next thing.


 And the other side.

Huo Linyuan finally couldn't help it anymore and said directly to Sun Yan: "Sun Yan, why do you act like you are deaf and mute when facing Su Nian? You look like a complete waste. Why?" You are so useless, you are such rubbish, you have no value at all.”

Sun Yan felt aggrieved after hearing this: "Master Huo, what do you mean? Su Nian and my sister are so cunning, there is nothing I can do, and even Master Huo, there is nothing you can do against them." "What can I do?" These words really made Huo Linyuan angry: "You have no choice, you have no choice, you think I can keep you by my side, you think I keep a piece of trash by my side. , is this really fun?”

Huo Linyuan really has no sense now.

Huo Linyuan now has only one purpose, which is to kill Su Nian.

Even now, in Huo Linyuan's heart, Su Nian is more hateful and more troublesome than Li Beichen. After all, when he faced Li Beichen, no matter what tricks Li Beichen used, he and he were both men. In a duel between men, no matter what so-called methods were used, even if they were used to fail to make it to the stage, they would not say anything.

 But if you deal with a woman, then spread the word...

Huo Linyuan also knew very clearly in his heart that Su Nian relied on himself to do whatever he wanted. This situation was really disgusting.

"Huo Shao, you can't be like this, why are you like this, you told me before that it's not like this, you can't change your face like this, you change your face like this, you..."

Huo Linyuan looked at Sun Yan and realized that he seemed a little out of sorts now.

 But that feeling, being bullied by a woman like Su Nian, a scheming woman, is really a bit bad.

 This feeling is really uncomfortable, super uncomfortable.

 (End of this chapter)

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