Chapter 1311 He’s really not a human being

"What is your expression? Does your expression mean that you are unconvinced? You are really unconvinced in your heart. What's the use of being unconvinced? This is the result. It has been so long and you still don't know, No matter whether you are convinced or not, no matter what you think in your heart, the reality is that there is no so-called change.”

  When saying this, Lin Na did not hide her situation at all.

 Hand down as much as you want.

It’s strange that Sun Yan feels better.

And Lin Na can stand here, and she is not just wasting time here. She really looks down on this Sun Yan in her heart, and even thinks that this Sun Yan is garbage.

 But she also investigated Sun Yan for her own plan. would be better not to investigate.

 A survey is really a bit disgusting.

 This guy has really never done anything good since kindergarten.

 Completely rubbish.

 Even saying it is **** is really a bit insulting to rubbish.


 What kind of bullying, what kind of chaos.

  Hey, how could such a person be compared with Sun Ying'er? It can even be said that there is even a person who abides by the law, it is impossible for her to compare.

 For such a person, treating her as cannon fodder is really a bit flattering to her.

"What on earth do you want to say? You have to hit me here and make me give up on Mr. Huo. Let me tell you, if you really think this way, then I hope you really don't think about it. You are completely It's all in vain, I tell you, no matter what happens in my life, I will only love Mr. Huo, even if I risk my life to love him, I won't say anything."

How to say these words? I really want to be moved as much as possible.      I'm really touched.

But when Lin Na heard this, she really couldn't help complaining: "What you said, you really act like Huo Shao is the only man in your life. If that's really the case, then it's okay. , Hey, what do you mean, why are you so good, you just like to show off, you are showing off like this, and you are showing off like this in front of me, it is of no use at all, if I really fall for your showing off If you’re scared, that’s okay.”

"Lin Na, what do you want to do?" Sun Yan was really going crazy now.

 It’s really going crazy.

This guy is really...

"You are asking this as if I am the one wasting time. You are obviously the one wasting time. Well, you keep saying such incomprehensible things here. Do you think it really makes sense? Anyway, I It doesn’t make any sense.”

Sun Yan:…

Lin Na also felt that her time was really precious, and it would be really bad if she really wasted it on this woman.

“Hey, it’s actually very simple for me to come here. I’m here just to help you, to help you gain Mr. Huo’s trust and gain status in Mr. Huo’s heart.”

No matter how stupid and brainless Sun Yan was, she still laughed when she heard this: "Hahaha, do you really think I'm a fool? Do you really think I don't know anything? If I If you believe it, then I will be the stupidest guy in the world."

Lina was watching from the side.

  Looking at this, Sun Yan finished laughing.

In such a situation, how could Sun Yan continue to laugh, so she could only glare at this guy fiercely.

 (End of this chapter)

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