The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 132: Forget it if you can’t watch dramas, the house is still in ruins

Chapter 132: Even if you can’t follow the drama, the house is ruined

"Need not."

These words made Su Nian feel happy.

[I know that this **** licking dog is definitely not willing to stay here. Hehe, as long as he continues to stay here, according to the temperament of this licking dog, then I will be able to continue talking soon, then I will be able to continue talking soon. Happy watching the drama! 】

“Beichen, don’t be polite to me. I saw you looked very sleepy just now, so just take a nap here. My place is very clean, so I’ll just offend you for now.”

“I still have things to deal with. I just squinted for a while and that’s about it.”

These words made Su Nian's eyes suddenly light up.

  【This big enemy is finally leaving! Follow the drama! I want to follow the drama! Here I come, the hero! 】

 Listening to these voices, the corners of Li Beichen's mouth raised slightly.

 Then he stood up slowly, under Su Nian's expectant eyes, and walked towards the door.

 But when he just reached the door, he stopped, turned around and asked, "Aren't you going to follow?"

Su Nian, who almost laughed when he saw Li Beichen approaching the door, was stunned.

  【Follow up? Keep up with what? 】

"Didn't I just say that? You need to be with me all the time during this period. I just told you and you forgot?" When he said this, Li Beichen paused slightly: "Or, In fact, you didn’t take my words to heart at all.”

Su Nian, who wants to continue watching the drama:! !

"What's the matter? You said you had no problem with it yourself? Won't you forget it?"

What else could Su Nian do, other than to keep up honestly.

 She finally understood that she really couldn't keep up with this drama!


This man is so unlucky that his teeth are really choked even if he drinks cold water.

Not only did she not continue to follow the drama, but her house collapsed.

That’s right, something happened to the male protagonist of the TV series she was watching, and he actually evaded taxes!

 The TV series was immediately removed from the shelves.    Not even giving her time to download.

There was no other way, so Su Nian could only go online to ask for videos.

 After all, when she saw him working hard, she felt that if she couldn't see the plot behind, she might really feel uncomfortable for a long time.

 The key is that she is still with Li Beichen.

 When looking for resources on the Internet, I would do so secretly, and from time to time I would glance at Li Beichen who was dealing with things nearby.

Li Beichen felt very good when he heard Su Nian scolding the male star.

 He picked up the phone casually.

 Then click on WeChat and send a message to Zhou Xu: You did a good job this time. I will notify the Finance Department to give you a salary increase.

 After Li Beichen sent it, Zhou Xu responded immediately; thank you, Mr. Li. Mr. Li, you are really great. You eradicate a cancer for society. Not only that, you also do good deeds without leaving your name. You are an example for me to learn from.

Li Beichen put away his cell phone.

     Why can’t this guy think clearly? How much is the tax? Why can’t he abide by the law? 】

  【It's a pity about this face. I will never see this face in TV series again. Why, why can't this guy think about it? 】

 Listening to Su Nian sighing in his heart.

Li Beichen couldn't help but sneered.

What's so pity about that face.

The same goes for this woman, doesn’t she know how to check? With a simple search, you can find out the entire process of the male star's plastic surgery.

Li Beichen couldn't help but start thinking when he thought of this.

How can Su Nian see the plastic surgery information of that male star when Su Nian doesn’t expect it?

 (End of this chapter)

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