Chapter 1326 It’s really abominable

"I can see that no matter what I do, I am a fool in your eyes. You don't regard me as a human being at all, huh."

Lin Na: "If that's the case, why do you keep looking for humiliation? You are really wasting your time, completely wasting our time and our lives. I have said similar words twice this time, you Do you think it’s interesting? I don’t think it’s interesting at all.”

Sun Yan is really angry now.

Now Sun Yan feels that she hates this guy, and it's really a bit straight up.

This guy is really more annoying than Sun Ying'er and Su Nian.

But what else can Sun Yan do? She can only bite the bullet and say: "If that's the case, then you tell me whether you can satisfy your wish. If you can't meet my idea, then I I really think I should seriously consider our cooperation.”

But when Lin Na heard this, she laughed directly: "Okay, okay, why are you so anxious? You are so anxious. You really ate hot tofu in a hurry. Okay, okay, I promise, I promise." That’s fine, look, I really didn’t say no, but you are so anxious, you really feel that I am bullying others, how could I bully others.”

 “Did you really agree?” Sun Yan asked subconsciously.

 The reason for this is that Sun Yan did not expect that this matter would go so smoothly.

After having such an idea, Sun Yan thought that she had to say a lot to get Lin Na to agree.

 After all, in Sun Yan's view, this matter is not a trivial matter.

 But I really didn’t expect Lin Na to agree like this.

 It was as if the entire Sun family was as easy for Lin Na as eating. Such ease really made Sun Yan not know what to say.    This feeling is really uncomfortable.

At this moment, Lin Na continued: "What do you mean by your expression like this? It's as if something is wrong. Under normal circumstances, you should be very happy. After all, you have achieved what you thought." , but why are you like this? I really don’t know what to say.”

"Haha, I'm very happy, I'm super happy. I'm so happy now that I don't know what to say. You can also understand that I just haven't seen the world, so I hope you can forgive me. Forgive me for this guy. I’ve seen the so-called world.”

Lin Na is not a fool, of course she heard Sun Yan’s sarcasm.

But since this guy was so sarcastic, why did he have to tolerate it? He walked directly in front of Sun Yan and patted Sun Yan's shoulder seriously: "It's good that you can think so. It seems that you can get along with me too." It’s good. After all, you really didn’t have any vision before you got along with me. This is really not good.”

“Now that you are getting along with me, your horizons have broadened. Come on.”

Sun Yan:! !

What is going on with this guy? Does he not understand what good words mean?

 It’s really abominable to be like this.

Lin Na really thought this Sun Yan was a bit funny, and then she continued to say when Sun Yan's face was getting worse and worse: "But you don't need to thank me like this. There is nothing to thank me for. We all have this relationship." , I’m pretty good at doing something like this.”

 (End of this chapter)

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