Chapter 1331 I can’t go, but my son has to stay.

 The old man works very efficiently.

 Send someone to pick him up soon.

 After all the things belonging to Mo Bao and Su Nian were packed, Su Nian was the only one left.

Li Beichen couldn't help but laugh when he saw the old man looking like he wanted to stay with Su Nian, mother and son.

"Okay, young lady, we can go." The housekeeper said respectfully from the side.

 But just when Su Nian was about to move, someone held his hand: "Are you really going?"

Su Nian laughed when he heard this, but still said in a serious tone: "Dad is like this, how can we juniors not go and see it."

"I was wrong." Li Beichen came close to Su Nian's ear and whispered.

But when Su Nian heard this, his body suddenly stiffened.

 Then he gave this guy a hard look.

  【Now I know that I have admitted my mistake, bah bah bah, he is not admitting his mistake, he is just perfunctory and pure perfunctory. If he really loves me, then last night...】

Su Nian left immediately when he thought of this.

  Didn't even look at this man.

Li Beichen smiled and followed after seeing his little girl's arrogant look.

 But he stopped after taking only a few steps.

 Because he heard Mo Bao's voice: "Go find grandpa. You can go without seeing dad for several days."

 So happy…

Li Beichen looked at the short legs.

 And Mo Bao did this on purpose.

In the butler's arms: "Grandpa butler, let's go quickly. I miss grandpa very much, but my father has arranged a lot of things for me. Wow, look at my little hands, they are all tired."

Li Beichen:…

Now Li Beichen really feels more and more that his son is too smart, which is really bad, very bad.

 And his little hands are so round and thin there.     It's obviously just giving yourself eye drops.

 This little thing.

Really are.

Li Beichen felt that he had to keep this little thing.

  After all, they are father and son. He, the father, is here. Why can he... go with his father's woman?

 Immediately he took Mo Bao out of the butler's hand and held it in his arms.

 Mo Bao suddenly lost his composure.

 What is the situation? What is the situation of my unlucky father?

 Mo Bao struggled subconsciously.

But the next moment he heard his father's voice: "It's better not to take Mo Bao with you. After all, I have made a lot of study plans for him. If they are disrupted, it will be bad for his future."

When Mo Bao heard this, he really wanted to give this father a big slap in the face. What are these words? They are simply not human words.

 For a child over two years old, if the study plan is disrupted, what harm will happen to the future?

 But the housekeeper was obviously a little embarrassed: "But sir..."

"I can explain it to Dad, and I am doing this for the future of Mo Bao. And you also know what kind of life I have lived since I was a child, so it is normal for me to do this."

The housekeeper also watched Li Beichen grow up, so of course he knew the rules of the Li family.

Li Beichen saw that the housekeeper wanted to say something more, so he smiled and said, "Take Nian Nian there first. If the old man really wants to find someone to settle the score, he will cause trouble for me. I will give him a good explanation."

 The housekeeper nodded and then chased Su Nian.

Mo Bao was not calm at all.

 What is the situation? Why do you stay here?

 As he spoke, he wanted to struggle, but he couldn't.

 (End of this chapter)

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