Chapter 1336: Drama Master Calligraphy

Lu Jing smiled when he saw Li Beichen's expression: "Hey, what's your expression? Is what I said helpful? Didn't you expect it? Let me tell you, although I, Lu Jing, don't look very reliable, but I After all, I am the eldest young master of the Lu family. I have my own channels and my own methods. I can still find out the news to some extent, so you should not underestimate me. "

Li Beichen glanced at him and smiled when he saw Lu Jing's tail was about to rise to the sky, and immediately took Mo Bao into his arms: "Mo Bao, you still have to be humble as a person. If you are not humble, then It’s easy to get beaten.”

When Lu Jing heard this, he suddenly lost his composure: "What do you mean? Your expression clearly shows it. In fact, you also think my news is useful. If you still say this, are you burning bridges? "If I had known that you were like this, I wouldn't have told you."

Unexpectedly, when Lu Jing just finished speaking, Mo Bao's voice rang out: "Dad, I think this uncle is quite good. He has told you the news. Why do you say uncle like that? You say uncle like that." , you are really a little bad, huh."

 Actually, Mo Bao also felt that this Lu Jing was a bit silly.

 But it’s good if this can make your father feel weak.

Lu Jing didn't expect Mo Bao to say that. After hearing this, he laughed hard. After he finished laughing, he didn't forget to say to Li Beichen: "Hahaha, Li Beichen, have you seen it? You look like this , I really can’t even stand your son, and you still laugh at me. You are really a failure as a father. "

 “Uncle is right.”

Li Beichen really couldn't laugh or cry when he looked at the brat in his arms.

If this brat didn't do it on purpose, he wouldn't even believe it if he was beaten to death.

It is said that the daughter was the lover of the father in the previous life, so the son was the enemy of the father in the previous life. Well, I did owe this brat in the previous life.

But what else can Li Beichen do?

 He could only smile bitterly and slap Mo Bao on his little butt. Even though it was a slap, it wasn't that heavy.

 But he didn't expect that Mo Bao would cry directly after this slap.

“Uncle Lu, daddy hit me, wuwuwu, it really hurts when daddy hits me, wuwuwu, you must tell my mother to come and save me.”

Li Beichen:…

 Such a loud sound really made Li Beichen almost suspect that he had hit him too hard.

At this moment, Mo Bao took the opportunity to slip out of Li Beichen's arms, and then came to Lu Jing crying: "Ooooooo, uncle, my **** hurts very much now, you must tell mom , let mom save me, otherwise, dad will definitely spank my **** into many pieces! "

 Lu Jing really smiled when he saw Mo Bao's crying look. This child is really smart and can really cheat his father, not the ordinary ones.

In the past, Lu Jing also wanted to have a child like Mo Bao, but now Lu Jing really feels that the child he gives birth to does not need to be too smart. If he is too smart, then according to his own thinking, he may be killed by his own child. Son pit.

But now…

Lu Jing showed what he thought was a loving smile: "Okay, okay, uncle promises you, he will definitely tell your mother."

 (End of this chapter)

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