Chapter 1341 Trying to Awaken the Humanity of Being a Father

 Under Mo Bao’s doubtful gaze.

 Then he saw Li Beichen take out his mobile phone and lightly click on it, and then Mo Bao's voice sounded again.

 This made Mo Bao even more confused.

What on earth does this dad want to do?

Anyway, it’s definitely not a good thing to see him like this.

And Li Beichen stood up under Mo Bao's sight, then walked to him, smiled and touched Mo Bao's head: "As expected of my son, he is so aware. Keep this awareness and study hard. "When you grow up in the future, your father will give you everything, and then your mother and I can retire and enjoy happiness."

Mo Bao:! !

At this moment, Mo Bao immediately understood what this guy meant.

What this guy means is to wait until he grows up, put everything into his own hands, and then take his mother to have fun.

Well, Mo Bao really wanted his mother to live a happy life, but that was not the case.

This father died so early in his last life and didn't do much in this life, but what he thinks now is really a bit excessive, super excessive.

"Mo Bao, you are so smart. I believe you will not disappoint your mother and me. You will definitely become the best child in the world. So, in order for you to become the best child, you must Come on, you have to listen to me carefully. Only in this way can you become the most powerful child, the child who makes your mother feel proudest. "

 Such words really made Mo Bao want to roll his eyes.

Is this dad talking humanly?

 Such a trick on a child under three years old.

 It’s really very inhumane.

 Ahhhhh, this is the father I have been waiting for for so many years in my previous life. He really destroys the worldview and human nature. He is really too much.

unacceptable. If possible, Mo Bao really wanted to scold his father directly.

Who is such a father?

But Li Beichen seemed not to feel Mo Bao's resentment, and felt as if he had found a new way out.

Mo Bao is only two years old now. Based on Mo Bao's intelligence in his previous life, he might be ready by the time he is eighteen.

However, Li Beichen also knew that he could not be too crazy, so he felt that as long as he ensured Mo Bao a happy childhood, that would be fine.

In this case, Li Beichen felt that he had to think carefully about how to make arrangements and how to implement the plan more perfectly.

Thinking of this, Li Beichen felt that he had a goal for the future.

 The way he looked at Mo Bao was different.

Such a look really made Mo Bao's heart skip a beat.

This look…

Mo Bao felt that he still had to criticize this guy a little and let his father know that he was still a child under three years old! You really can’t be too crazy!

So Mo Bao said in a small voice: "Dad, is this really okay? But I don't think other children are like this, so why should I be like this?"

But these words obviously cannot wake up his already crazy father: "Why should our Mo Bao compare with ordinary children? Does Mo Bao really not want to become the most powerful kid in the world?"

Mo Bao: Haha, thank you.

 (End of this chapter)

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