Chapter 1347 is really shocking

"Do you know how anxious we are? Lu Jing, you took the child away casually without the consent of the parents. If this is serious, we can really sue you."

Lu Jing bowed his head honestly: "I was wrong, I was really wrong, but I can really explain that I was not trafficked, I picked it up outside..."

“Lu Jing, I really want to kill you now.” Su Nian said through gritted teeth.

At this moment, Mo Bao's voice sounded: "Mom, don't be angry. If you are really angry and hurt your body, then it is really not worth it."

 But Mo Bao’s words of comfort were of no use this time.

Su Nian turned to look at Mo Bao: "I didn't tell you, do you really think I won't teach you a lesson? Li Chenmo, am I a little too nice to you? I'm usually a little too gentle to you, so You didn’t take me seriously at all.”

Mo Bao lowered his head honestly.

Su Nian is really angry now and is shaking all over.

Although she had always known that her son was very smart, she really didn't expect that he would be so smart and still like this.

 Now, even under three years old can do such a thing.

  If he grows up in the future, I don’t know what else this Mo Bao will do.

 It is really excessive, super excessive.

Even for the first time, Su Nian wanted to beat the child.

 But Su Nian is still somewhat sensible.

Knowing that such a small child cannot be spanked, one can even say that such a young child has no memory, and even if it is spanked, it is impossible to remember, so it can even be said that the spanking is in vain.

 This situation really made Su Nian feel a little powerless inside.

Mo Bao slowly walked up to Su Nian, and then looked at Su Nian with pitiful eyes, trying to act coquettish and get through.

But if it were something else, then Su Nian would definitely feel soft-hearted when Mo Bao was like this.

 But on this matter.

Su Nian said: "What do you mean? You look at me like this. If you are afraid that I will be angry, then why are you so bold and why do you do such a thing? Just stand there." Reflect on it well.”

Mo Bao saw Su Nian like this, what else could he do, he could only stand for punishment honestly. At this moment, Lu Jing had a bold idea in his mind.

 If you take advantage of this moment to slip away.

 When Su Nian is in a good mood, what will happen if he appears again.

When this idea appeared in Lu Jing's mind, Lu Jing really thought it was a very good idea.

 After all, Su Nian's attention is now on Mo Bao.

If I sneak away now, there will definitely be no problem.

 Soon, Lu Jing moved his body secretly.

 Little by little…

Just when Lu Jing was about to sneak out for a walk... Mo Bao's voice rang out: "Uncle Lu, you are going somewhere, do you want to slip away?"

When Lu Jing heard this, his whole body froze.

 The smile on his face became very embarrassing, the kind that was very embarrassing.

 It’s indescribable embarrassment.

And after Mo Bao finished speaking, Lu Jing clearly felt an extremely hot gaze on himself. This hot gaze really felt like volcanic lava.

 Lu Jing really wanted to cry now.

Woooooooooo, why does this Mo Bao do this to him? Why?

 It’s okay to hit your own IQ, but still do this to yourself.

 It’s really shocking.

 (End of this chapter)

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