Chapter 1349 Lu Jing is smart

 “Lu Jing!!”

 When Lu Jing was called like that, his whole body was agitated.

Sun Yinger even let go of Mo Bao.

 Standed up directly.

Lu Jing was also frightened when he saw Sun Ying'er like this.

“What’s wrong, what’s wrong, Aunt Sun, what’s wrong with you?”

Sun Ying'er didn't know what to say when she saw Lu Jing asking her what was wrong.

This guy…*

This guy.

Sun Ying'er took a deep breath: "Can you be a little normal? I beg you, can you be a little normal? With you like this, if you walk on the street, then I really doubt that others will They will arrest you as a mental patient in a matter of minutes and give you electric shocks."

These words really made Lu Jing shudder subconsciously.

However, Lu Jing still said with a smile: "Aunt Sun, is this the case? Don't scare me. You know that I am the most courageous. Don't scare me. What if you scare me out of my courage?"


"I really don't want to talk to you anymore." Sun Ying'er even felt that if she continued talking to this guy, her mind might be contaminated by this guy.

 He left immediately.

When Lu Jing saw Sun Ying'er leaving in such a hurry, he subconsciously shouted: "Aunt Sun, have you listened to what I said? The future of Mo Bao and I is in your hands, and we have entrusted everything to you. Don’t let us down.”

 But the more Lu Jing talked, the faster Sun Yinger walked away.

 Such speed made Lu Jingdu feel like someone was chasing her.


Not only did Lu Jing think so in his heart, but he also couldn't help but say: "Mo Bao, don't you think this Aunt Sun is a little weird now? Aunt Sun looks like a ghost is chasing her. "

 Mo Bao really doesn’t want to talk now. Because Mo Bao now really understands what it means not to be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but to be afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

This pig teammate is really a bit scary.

 It’s super scary.

"Why should I talk to you? Hey, I really feel a little anxious and confused now. I'm really a little confused. Even though you are so smart, you are still a child. How can you understand what a woman's heart is? How complicated and incomprehensible.”

Mo Bao really wanted to curse.

With the way he is, even if he is not a woman, he will still be angry because he is stupid to death by this guy.

 Let’s not talk about Sun Ying’er.

  Really drunk.

Why does Mo Bao think that Sun Ying'er is so angry with this guy that she won't speak for him at all? Hey, he should just stand there obediently and wait for his mother to calm down.

 Apart from this, what else can be done?

Now Mo Bao really feels that if he could go back an hour ago, he would definitely not choose Lu Jing, and he would definitely not be lazy.

He felt that if he walked to the old house step by step, it would be better than the current situation.

   Wow, God, he is just an extremely ordinary child, why would he do this to himself?


   God is really cruel.

 And the other side. Sun Ying'er came directly to Su Nian angrily.

Su Nian became curious when she saw Sun Ying'er like this: "What's wrong, sister, what happened can make you so angry? Tell me, and I will definitely help you vent your anger."

 (End of this chapter)

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