Chapter 1351 The male protagonist is always self-righteous

 Just when Sun Ying'er was speaking.

Su Nian’s cell phone rang.

Su Nian casually picked up the phone. When she saw the caller ID, her expression suddenly changed.

When Sun Ying'er saw Su Nian's expression change, she immediately looked over.

 I immediately understood why.

Su Nian’s mobile phone screen read: Huo Linyuan.

Su Nian pressed the answer button and the loudspeaker button at the same time.

"What's wrong with Mr. Huo? What's going on today? You actually asked you to call me. I'm going to check the almanac later to see if today is a good day. If it is really a good day, then I I will definitely go and say goodbye.”

 After Su Nian finished saying this, a sneer sounded on the other side of the phone.

"Master Huo, what do you mean? I have such a good attitude towards you, why do you sneer at me? Your attitude towards me really makes me a little sad. Hey, with your status, why do you want to sneer at me?" Such an attitude towards a little woman like me is really cruel, super cruel.”

After Su Nian finished speaking, Huo Linyuan's voice finally sounded on the other side of the phone: "Su Nian, if you speak to me in a serious voice, would you die if you weren't so sarcastic? Or would you feel uncomfortable all over."

Su Nian: "What kind of relationship do we have, Mr. Huo, have you forgotten what kind of relationship we have? If Mr. Huo, you forget, then I can tell you carefully that we are opposites, and our opposition is The relationship is very serious, it can even be said that we are enemies. In this kind of relationship, you allow me to have a slightly better attitude towards you. Is there something wrong with your brain or something wrong with me? "

"If you really have a problem, Mr. Huo, then I hope you can find a place to take a closer look. In this case, I will find it interesting, especially interesting. Otherwise, if you finish this game, then I will be the one to play it." If word spreads about bullying an abnormal person, not to mention others, even myself will feel a little abnormal. "

Su Nian said this.

 The voice is as proud as it is proud. But the next moment, Su Nian's expression suddenly disappeared.

 With it comes seriousness.

Because Huo Linyuan said over there: "Su Nian, please stop trying so hard. You are so anxious now that you are almost anxious to the sky. You are pretending to me here. Don't you think you are wasting your time? Don't you know Is your son in my hands?"

 The calligraphy treasure is in Huo Linyuan's hand.

If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely laugh when you hear this.

 After all, if the calligraphy treasure was really in Huo Linyuan's hand, then who was the person she just looked at? Was it a ghost?

"Huo Linyuan, do you know what you are talking about? My son is in your hands. Haha, my son is fine. You should be more practical when you threaten me. What you say is really funny. If you really If you want to feel this, then I will go and get your son in my hands right away, so that you can feel what this feeling is like."

"Haha, if you are really not in a hurry, then why do you say so much and why does your voice sound so anxious? Su Nian, what are you hiding like this? Don't you know that the more you hide yourself? , will it appear that you have more problems?”

When Su Nian heard this, he really wanted to roll his eyes.

  This male protagonist is good at everything, but he is very self-righteous and always feels that things are going as he thinks.

 Such a situation is always not fun.

 (End of this chapter)

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