Chapter 1368 Oppression

Luo Qian’s face changed when he heard this.

  Could it be that Lin Na... really had a problem... When such a thought occurred, Luo Qian felt that he might be thinking too much.

If Lin Na really has other ideas, then why does Lin Na say this...

 No matter what it is, Luo Qian's heart is really hanging now.

Huo Linyuan: "Do you know what you are saying now? Do you know what the consequences will be if you say this?"

But Lin Na raised her hand casually: "Of course I know. I'm just telling the truth now. In your eyes, Mr. Huo, can't I even tell the truth? If this is really the case, then I will Let’s not talk about it. I made a mistake this time. I hope you will give me another chance, Mr. Huo. Don’t worry, Mr. Huo, you gave me a chance this time. I will never act recklessly next time.”

 “Lina, do you really mean what you say?”

Lin Na put away her expression: "Of course I am sincere, and I also know the consequences of saying this, but I feel that if I pretend to be hypocritical in front of you and say something you like to hear, You will think that I am false, and if that is the case, then I will just say what I want to say, which does not go against my true intentions at all.”

"Okay, very good, very good, you are indeed different." Huo Linyuan's eyes were filled with intense exploration. Such eyes were really dangerous, very dangerous.

Of course, the more this happens, the more excited Lin Na becomes. She really feels that the more threatening it is, the more interesting it is. At the same time, isn't there a saying that danger represents opportunity?

 As long as the opportunity comes, there will be no problem.

"Lin Na, are you really not afraid that I will think too much, or are you afraid that I will doubt you?"

 Lin Na did not expect that Huo Linyuan would actually say that. If Huo Linyuan really said that, then things would really become a bit fun.

  In other words, after staying by Huo Linyuan's side for so long, he succeeded?

 If that’s really the case, then that’s fine.

"I'm afraid, but I feel that if I really don't show a sincere attitude, then it will be of no use. If it is really for this reason that causes you to doubt me, then you can just doubt me. Anyway, I This man has a clear conscience.”

 When Lin Na said this, Huo Linyuan walked closer and closer to Lin Na.

The feeling of oppression on Huo Linyuan's body is really a bit stressful. But even so, Lin Na took it upon herself.

 Lin Na resisted this pressure.

Luo Qian next to him was frightened.

  I'm really a little scared.

 At the same time, he really felt that Lin Na was very courageous, extremely courageous.

 I don’t even have the guts to look like this in front of Huo Linyuan.

Even Luo Qian felt that he had to put some effort into conquering this woman. This woman was also a tough nut to crack.

 Just like that, time passed little by little.

When the atmosphere was about to reach its peak, Huo Linyuan suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, Lin Na, you are indeed not an ordinary woman. You are really surprising me more and more now. I really think you are very powerful now. Staying by my side is really the right thing to do.”

These words really made Lin Na feel a little uncomfortable.

 Super uncomfortable.

After all, Huo Linyuan is really a bit arrogant. Forget about being arrogant, the key thing is that Lin Na actually feels that she is just a toy in the eyes of this guy.

 (End of this chapter)

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