Chapter 1373 What did I force you to do?

Su Nian really thinks so.

This male protagonist is really awesome.

 It is not ordinary.

How can you say that?

This male protagonist is not clear about his position.

Even though Mo Bao is not in his hands now, his current personality is not that of a hostage-taker.

The way he is acting now, he really almost said that your son is in my hands, you'd better beg me in front of me obediently, come and beg me quickly, hurry up.

 This male protagonist is really impatient.

 No patience at all.

 Since this is the case, then what else can I do but continue acting.

"Huo Linyuan, you and I are both smart people, and we have been fighting each other for such a long time. Stop talking nonsense. Just do what you want to do. There is no need to be so hesitant."

"I am not complaining, but you are complaining. I can say that I am putting all the cards in front of you. After all, as a man, of course I have to admit what I have done. I am not like you women. It’s grinding and whining, it’s not straight forward at all, it’s really boring and tight.”

Su Nian frowned after Huo Linyuan said this: "Huo Linyuan, what evidence do you have to prove that my child is in your hands? You have no evidence, but you came in front of me and lied to me like this, hahaha , do you think it’s really interesting?”

“Do you really not believe it? Do you really not know that there is a saying: If you are not afraid of ten thousand, be afraid of ten thousand? If what I say is true, if your son is in my hands.”

"Then what if you are just lying to me, what if my son is not in your hands at all, and if I delay searching for my child because of this, then I will regret it for the rest of my life."

 The two people just looked at each other.

At this moment, Huo Linyuan really admired Su Nian. This Su Nian was really the first woman who made him feel evenly matched.

 However, just because he felt this situation, this Su Nian could not exist in this world.

 Because this woman exists in this world, it shows his incompetence.

 Can't let this happen.

"I really want to know why you think so. You are so sure because I am lying to you. What basis do you have? Tell me carefully. I especially want to know what your basis is. Is it true? I’m very curious, super curious, what is the basis for this.”

"Because I think Mr. Huo, you are not the kind of person who can threaten a woman with a child. You cannot do such a shameless, despicable, and shocking thing."

These words really made Huo Linyuan not know what to say.

This Su really good at talking.

Su Nian smiled inwardly when he saw Huo Linyuan's expression.

  Hey, that’s what’s bad about a moral male protagonist, so how could such a male protagonist outplay his immoral female counterpart.

This round with a favorable wind is really good.

"Master Huo, why don't you speak? Tell me instead, am I wrong in my evaluation of you? Are you really the kind of person who has no morals and can do anything? In order to achieve your own goals, You can kidnap even a child under three years old, no, no, why are you such a person, you really disappoint me. "

"Su Nian, you really know how to speak, you are really good at speaking. I admit, I can't speak to you, okay."

"Master Huo, Mr. Huo, what do you mean by this, what do you mean by admitting it? The way you look like this really makes me think that you are being forced to do something by me. What did I do? Please tell me carefully. I forced you to do something." What did you do?"

 (End of this chapter)

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