Chapter 1390 What does restoration mean?

“And looking at you, a young man, you look like a bitch. Why would you do such a thing? You would do such a thing that is worse than a beast.”

Su Nian also sighed beside him.

 You really have lived a long time and you can see everything.

  Can actually see the aunt fighting the male protagonist.

 It’s really a long time to see you.

 Absolutely see you for a long time.

Huo Linyuan's face could not be darker now.

Then two men in black suits walked directly to the aunt and pushed her to the ground hard.

 The aunt started shouting directly: "It's a murder, it's really a murder. What do you want to do to me? Don't do anything."

Huo Linyuan walked over with just one look.

When the man in black saw the look in Huo Linyuan's eyes, he immediately slapped the aunt.

Su Nian saw this and subconsciously said, "What are you doing, Huo Linyuan? What do you want to do? How can you hit someone? You forgot where this place is."

But unexpectedly, Huo Linyuan laughed directly when he heard this: "Hahaha, Su Nian, what do you mean, you want to use moral kidnapping to deal with me, do you think I will be afraid of you? Even if I really What’s more, it doesn’t matter if I take care of this guy, it doesn’t matter if I turn the whole world upside down, as long as I want, I can do it.”

Su Nian suddenly raised his head.

 Seeing the madness on Huo Linyuan's face.

At this moment, there is absolutely no sign of reason on Huo Linyuan's face. It can even be said that Huo Linyuan now looks like a madman.

Su Nian clearly felt the danger.

 Such an irrational male protagonist.     Think of the previous judgment.

 Such a dangerous male protagonist may be a good thing, but although a good thing is a good thing, it is accompanied by 3 dangers.

But now that things have come to this point, no matter what the danger is, we must rush forward.

If we really use this opportunity to deal with Huo Linyuan thoroughly.

Then the life of Mo Bao in this life will not be as difficult as the life of Mo Bao in the previous life, and he will definitely have a happy childhood.

  When such thoughts appeared in Su Nian's mind, her eyes began to become firm, as firm as she wanted.

"Huo Linyuan, what do you mean? It's as if you don't pay attention to the law at all. Who do you think you are? No matter how powerful the Huo Group is, you are still a businessman. , can you really cover the sky with just one hand?"

Huo Linyuan slowly approached Su Nian and shortened the distance between them: "I'm also a little curious. Can I cover the sky with just one hand? Su Nian, I have really tolerated you for a long time, and I will definitely not tolerate you this time." , you must disappear from this world, and everything will return to its original state when you disappear from this world.”

These words made Su Nian's heart suddenly thump.

 What does Huo Linyuan mean?

 Why does Huo Linyuan want to restore it to its original appearance?

  Is this male protagonist also awakening? If the male protagonist is really awakened, then this matter is really a bit troublesome.

Su Nian couldn't help but start to panic.

But Su Nian knew very well that at this time, the more he should not panic. If he panics when facing the male protagonist, he would be completely ruined.

 This situation must not occur.

 (End of this chapter)

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