Chapter 1397 Impulsive Bad Guy

 Huo Group privately trades official projects.

   Didn’t pay attention to legal issues at all.

Moreover, the president of the Huo Group attacked people in the street, causing a bad impact, and there was also the incident of forging official seals.

These incidents one by one put the entire Huo family into a major crisis.

 The most important thing is.

Huo Linyuan, the backbone of the Huo Group, is still in prison.

  and face significant criminal prosecution.

 Such a situation makes the Huo family completely leaderless.

 So now all the families and all the companies are attacking the Huo family.

Just to be able to take a hard bite on the Huo family and bite off a piece of meat.

 Li's Group.

Mr. Qian sat in front of Li Beichen: "Hahaha, how did our play go? I'm a very good uncle. You don't call me uncle for nothing."

Li Beichen nodded: "Uncle Qian, I'm lucky to have you this time. Huo Group, are you interested? If you are interested, I will give him to you."

"Really? This is a big piece of meat." Mr. Qian didn't expect Li Beichen to be so generous.

Li Beichen was very calm: "This is indeed a piece of meat, and it is very fatty meat, but it is a very disgusting piece of meat to me. If Uncle Qian is really not interested in a piece of meat, then I will not Take action."

Mr. Qian thought for a moment.

Then he said: "Okay, since you said that, I'm not polite. After all, we are still a family. There is no difference between what I eat and what you eat."

 “Uncle Qian is right.”

"Okay, okay, I won't keep you here anymore. I'd better go. You probably have something else to be busy with." Li Beichen didn't say anything.

 That's right, Mr. Qian is a bureau.

 After Mr. Qian left, Lin Na came in.

 Lin Na did not speak immediately after she came in, but looked at the door deeply: "Huo Linyuan never thought that money is always the bait you let out. Hey, Mr. Li, you are worthy of being the final winner."

 “But you’re not much surprised.”

"In general, it's not much. After all, Mr. Li, you have already purged the general Li Group before. If there are any people with different intentions, you will definitely purge them. Otherwise, the previous turmoil was not in vain?" Lin Na sat down. When she arrived in front of Li Beichen, this was what she thought of later.

Li Beichen is not an ordinary person. Once he initiates cleaning, he will definitely clean it completely and there will definitely not be any residue left.

 So there must be something wrong with the money, maybe it was Li Beichen who released the money.

  Facts have proved that I guessed it right.

 Lin Na thought about it carefully. If Huo Linyuan hadn't been completely disturbed by Su Nian, he might not have understood this.

  Hey, impulsive bad guy.

"Ms. Lin, we can be considered a family. I will help you eat the Luo family you want, but I hope you can be more calm. After all, we are family friends. I don't want the old man to lose a playmate. You are a smart man. Woman, I think you understand what I mean."

Lin Na certainly understands what this means.

But thinking about it carefully, Lin Na felt that she still needed to thank Luo Qian properly.

If Luo Qian hadn't been so disgusting, then he wouldn't have found Li Beichen. If he hadn't found Li Beichen and had a temporary kick, then he might be in a miserable situation now.

Thinking of that disgusting guy Luo Qian, Lin Na's eyes deepened: "My old man has such a good relationship with your old man, of course I understand."

 (End of this chapter)

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