Chapter 146 This woman really dares to think

 To watch.

 Li Beichen's forehead couldn't help but have several black lines crawling up.

This woman really dares to think.

At this moment, the strength in his body disappeared again, and Li Beichen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  【Hey, but I really envy Lan Min. You must know that the average male protagonist either does it 13 times a night, or once a night, one night at a time, like me. 】

Su Nian looked at Li Beichen when he thought of this.

 The two people immediately looked at each other.

  【Hmph, what are you looking at? You're looking at a useless embroidered pillow. You were so pretentious just now. After the hero puts the heroine into bed, I'll see if you have any chance of winning the heroine's favor. 】

  【This licking dog really has no brains at all. He doesn't take Joe when he should take him, and he just does this when he shouldn't take him. 】

Complaints are complaints, but on the surface, Su Nian still looked at Li Beichen with earnestness and said, "Beichen, do you know how worried I was just now? I was really worried that you agreed to Lan Min, but I also hope that you Agree, after all, seeing the one you love happy is also a blessing."

“Su Nian, do you envy Lan Min?”

Li Beichen asked Su Nian so suddenly that he was confused.

 Then they all nodded in confusion.

 “Well, I won’t let you down either.”

 Speaking, just like Huo Linyuan, he directly pulled Su Nian into his arms.

 When Su Nian was pulled into Li Beichen's arms, her heart was really beating like thunder.

  【What does he want to do? Does he also want the princess to hug me? Seeing that the princess, his love rival, hugged his sweetheart, he also wanted the princess to hug his wife? —Is this logic really correct? 】

 But the fact is, Su Nian really thinks too much.

 Because Li Beichen directly carried her on his shoulders.

Su Nian:! !

Su Nian really wants to curse now! I want to scold this hateful Li Beichen to death.

"I think you should pour out all the water in your head. After all, it's not good for your brain to be soaked in water all the time!" You don't have to think about those messy things to make him angry.

This made Su Nian really angry.

  【Ah ah ah ah, what on earth is this licking dog talking about? What does water in the brain mean? Isn’t my brain any better than this stubborn dog licker? 】

  【Is this the difference between a heroine and a female supporting character? Women are always hugged by domineering princesses, and then taken back to Wushan together. Am I so unlucky? 】

Su Nian also looked around at the people around him.

 She now feels that she is not worthy of being in this world.

Just when Li Beichen was holding her and about to go out of the door, he was stopped by someone.

 The person who stopped him was none other than Lu Jing.

Li Beichen looked at Lu Jing.

After this incident, Li Beichen finally understood that it would be impossible for him to deal with the so-called male and female protagonists, and it would even affect his own body.

 And this land scene happens to be useful.

"Li Beichen, you will regret it. You didn't cherish the opportunity just now. You will never win Miner's heart in your life."

Before Li Beichen had time to speak, Su Nian's voice rang out: "Okay, okay, I don't even want to pull you, who can you show me like this?"

“Su Nian, don’t try to sow discord between me and Zhu Er.”

"It's not that I want to provoke, but I think you don't have much affection for Lan Ren." Su Nian was very uncomfortable now.

Since she is uncomfortable, she must find someone to accompany her when she is uncomfortable!

Of course, Lu Jing would not allow anyone to question his love for Lan Min: "What nonsense are you talking about."

"Then just now Huo Linyuan took Lan Min away in a menacing manner, but you are here talking nonsense? Aren't you worried about what will happen to Lan Min?"

These words made Lu Jing's expression change drastically.

 Hurry and leave immediately.

 (End of this chapter)

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