Chapter 149 Stories always spread the fastest

Su Nian was stunned when he saw the video of Huo Group.

She originally asked the old man to arrange for someone to squat at the door of Huo's house.

  After all, when she traveled through time in this novel, she didn’t really have any special functions of being a streamer, so she had to find a similar method.

However, Su Nian is not strong enough, but he also starts from other aspects.

 For example, stories.

If the reputation of the Huo Group becomes bad and spreads quickly and widely, the only way is to tell stories.

 So she published a story about a nine-tailed demon fox.

[After King Zhou of Shang favored Daji, the Shang Dynasty was destroyed. Although at the end of the story, Empress Nuwa punished the nine-tailed demon fox, the nine-tailed demon fox was sent by Nuwa after all. In fact, Nuwa secretly let go of the nine-tailed demon fox. The nine-tailed demon fox, and the nine-tailed demon fox never changed its nature and always liked to seduce the king. Later, many people died because of the nine-tailed demon fox. 】

 At the same time, it was related to the fight between the Huo family and the Lu family.

 In the end, it was revealed that Lan Min was the nine-tailed demon fox, which is why such ominous things happened to the Huo family.

Su Nian thought it was ridiculous when he was editing it, but... the world now is originally the world of Mary Sue's novels, so it doesn't matter if it is ridiculous.

 Sure enough, this story spread quickly.

 It spreads faster than Li Beichen’s previous methods.

As a result, Huo Group's shares fell rapidly, and Li Beichen immediately spotted the opportunity and started to attack.

By the time Huo Linyuan realized it, Li Beichen had already taken advantage of him in the stock market, taking the initiative.

 The office of Huo Group at this moment.

Huo Linyuan had a dark face as he listened to his subordinate's report.

“We have already announced the causes of the damage, but the current effect is the result.” The subordinate reported in a low voice.

Huo Linyuan really has a headache now.

 He really didn't expect that Li Beichen would suddenly make such a move.     It really felt like it caught him off guard.

 “Find the media, find a few more media, no matter how much money you spend.”

Just when Huo Linyuan gave the order, the office door was opened.

Lan Min walked in cautiously.

Huo Linyuan raised his eyes for a glance, and then looked away: "Your good friend is pressing on me step by step, almost wanting me to die."

"Linyuan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't expect it to be like this. I had already begged him. I thought it was Beichen." When he said this, Lan Min covered his chest.

Although Huo Linyuan was in a bad mood, he remembered Lan Min's physical condition, and immediately got up and came to Lan Min's side: "伈'er, you are not feeling well now, don't worry, I will take care of things."

“Linyuan, I’m sorry, I’m sorry that I’m in trouble talking to you. It’s all my fault, if it weren’t for me.”

  "What stupid things are you saying? What does it mean to be without you?"

Hearing Huo Linyuan's relief, Lan Min felt much better.

However, Lan Yan felt that this opportunity was hers. She had always felt that Huo Linyuan just regarded her as a canary. Now that the company has such a problem, if she can solve it, then Huo Linyuan will definitely feel that she is the most worthy of him. people.

Just as the two of them were chatting with each other, the office door was violently pushed open.

Lu Jing's carefree voice rang out: "Huo Linyuan, I am a generous young man. Seeing you being chased and beaten by Li Beichen, I feel sorry for you, so I can help you."

Lu Jing originally thought that this would set off his informality.

 But when you see clearly the way Huo Linyuan and Lan Min look at each other:...

 His mood suddenly deteriorated.

"Ajing, is it true? Are you really willing to help us?" Lan Min said with a smile.

After all, Lu Jing's words have been spoken out, especially by the woman he likes, so how could he regret it: "Yes, it only takes a matter of minutes for our two families to deal with that Li Beichen together, right?"

 (End of this chapter)

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