The first sentence of Chapter 156 is a lie

  【This is a licking dog. If you don't want to agree, just say so without any such insult. 】

"Looking at your expression, why do you think I'm talking nonsense? Think about it for yourself. Did you say that yesterday afternoon? It was probably around three o'clock in the afternoon. If you still can't remember, then I can go back and pick you up at that time. Find the magazine and enhance your memory."

Su Nian was really impressed by what Li Beichen said.

Li Beichen saw Su Nian thinking hard, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Su Nian thought for a while but still didn't remember.

  【But even if I say it, it cannot be a reason for rejection. My envy and this envy have different meanings, okay? 】

Li Beichen glanced at her and continued walking outside.

 But Su Nian was still a little unwilling to give up: "Okay, I forgot, but I am sincere in other aspects."

"Your first sentence is a lie. How can I believe your other words? I think you have to show your sincerity in this matter."

Su Nian:…

Su Nian was so confused that he didn't know what to say.

  【How can this guy be so arrogant? He is really good at arrogance! 】

  【I really want to slap this guy to death. 】

Su Nian's mind showed him grabbing Li Beichen's clothes and slapping him wildly with his hands.

   【You licking dog, when I get your seed, I will definitely beat you until your own mother doesn't even recognize you! 】

  【What more sincerity do I need? The process is obviously much more satisfying for you, but you still want me to show sincerity, what the heck with sincerity! 】

"Why don't you speak?" Li Beichen took a step towards Su Nian: "And you kept saying before that you just need to be by my side, but now you say that I will give you a child. If I really agree If you say that, then what are you, a fertility machine? " Haha, I am a fertility machine, you are obviously my fertility machine, no, you are not even a fertility machine, you are just a seed-making machine. 】

Li Beichen:…

Li Beichen originally wanted to find this opportunity to tell Su Nian what he had wanted to say for a long time.

 He is not a fertility machine.

 It can make this woman think less.

 But why does Li Beichen feel that she is getting more and more crazy now? What is a seed making machine?

  【If Mo Bao didn't need you, a dog-licking seed, then could I endure this grievance here? 】

The more I thought about Su Nian, the more aggrieved I felt.

 At this moment, Su Nian's eyes suddenly lit up.

 Because she saw Lan Min coming in a hurry.

  【Lan 伈 is here, okay, I'm unhappy, I'm going to be vicious and make Lan 伈 even more unhappy. 】

Li Beichen originally just saw that Su Nian was a little too bored staying in the office. He happened to hear that Fei Quan's wife was almost stable, so he took her out for a walk.

 He really didn’t expect to meet Lan Min here.

Now Li Beichen is really curious if this world is really a novel, then what is the content of this novel?

Of course, Lan Min appeared here on purpose. She had been trying to find a way to see Li Beichen these days. In Lan Min's heart, she and Li Beichen had a misunderstanding. It must be Su Nian who talked nonsense in front of Li Beichen, so Li Beichen became Like this.

 Even now she can't get into the Li Group's companies.

 (End of this chapter)

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