The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 160: How sick does this author have to be to be able to think about it?

Chapter 160 How sick is this author to be able to come up with such a plot?

"You make me so angry, what do you think is wrong with you?"

 The huge roar made Su Nian's body tremble.

"I'm so angry. All I'm doing now is to make Lan Min care about you and feel how important you are to her." Su Nian paused deliberately after saying this, and then continued: "In order to stay with you By your side, willing to be your pawn, willing to win the heart of this woman Lan Min, do these things, do you know how much my heart hurts? "

"Do you think I don't know? For my sake, you are actually deliberately angry with Pi'er. You clearly know that Pi'er's health is not good."

Now the more Li Beichen watches Su Nian go further, the more Li Beichen becomes afraid.

Afraid of what if his body controlled by the plot did something to hurt Su Nian.

"But I'm doing this all for you, Beichen, can you be a little fair to me? Don't blame me for everything. Moreover, Lan Min's health is not good to begin with. In addition, even if I agreed to the kidney I donated it to Lan Min, what else do you want to do?”

"Do you think that if you donate, you are doing a good deed? It will also wash away the sins on your body."

Su Nian, who had completely entered the role of a vicious female supporting role, almost broke through.

  【What the hell? Sin, what plot is this? 】

  【What does this guy mean? 】

Li Beichen was also speechless.

"You have done so many evil things. If you don't do something good, God will not let you go. Su Nian, haven't you ever heard that there is a **** standing three feet above your head?"

These words made Su Nian subconsciously think about his identity and whether he had done anything harmful to nature in his life.

 But after going through it again, Su Nian immediately came to a conclusion.


  【Let me go, what's going on? I can't keep up with the crazy speed of this Mary Sue plot? ]    【Wouldn't it be evil in Li Beichen's eyes if I licked him like a dog? 】

  【Liubi, can the plot of this Mary Sue be updated like this? It’s true that each generation becomes stronger than the previous generation. 】

How sick is this author to be able to come up with such a plot? 】

"What evil thing did I do, Beichen? Even if you are my beloved and the person I regard as my life, if you don't tell me why you are here today, then I won't just let it go today. "

  【I am really curious about what this guy can say. 】

  【I really want to know if he can refresh my outlook on life? 】

Just when Su Nian was curious, Lan Min's weak voice rang out: "Beichen, please stop quarreling. Don't quarrel because of me."

 After Lan Min’s voice sounded.

Su Nian was inexplicably relieved when he saw the man in front of him making no sound.

Li Beichen, who was trapped in his body, is in a much better mood now.

"Jian'er, why did you come out? Your body is already like this, why do you still come out?"

Lan Min said with a worried look: "I heard you guys quarreling, so I came over to take a look. Beichen, I don't want you to continue to quarrel because of me. If you really choose to live a good life with Su Nian, then Just don't quarrel, Beichen, I will support you no matter what you do, after all, the most important thing to me is your happiness."

"Jian'er, what are you talking about? How could I choose this woman?"

I feel so uncomfortable. ┭┮﹏┭┮My aunt is here. I am in a **** battle today. Please give me your recommendation votes so that I can regain my health~



 (End of this chapter)

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