Chapter 168 Did I hold the wrong child?

Su Nian ate well, slept well, and lived a very happy life in the old house.

Generally, the heroines in Mary Sue novels have little money, but are ambitious, do everything by themselves, and don’t want to spend the hero’s money. For example, Lan Min, in this novel, she doesn’t want to spend the hero’s money, but she is super. Loves spending Li Beichen's money.

But at night, the old man called her to the top of the building.

As soon as Su Nian arrived and before he could speak, Li Jianhong pointed down: "Look, that brat is down there."

Su Nian subconsciously looked down after hearing this.

 Sure enough, I saw a Maybach parked not far away.

  You can still vaguely see a little red dot.

 Maybe it was because the car owner was feeling irritable and was smoking to relieve his pain.

However, Su Nian could understand Li Beichen's mood at this time. After all, Lan Min was in urgent need of her life-saving straw.

  After all, she is the only person with jV blood type found so far, and her kidneys match those of Lan Min.

 That’s right, it’s the JV blood type. Haha, Su Nian even thought that this blood type was randomly rolled out on the keyboard by the mentally retarded author.

 Explanation in the novel, a variant of type B blood.

Well, authors who write Mary Sue novels generally have little education.

"Nian Nian, actually, you can't be too anxious about a man, you need to hang him up."

Su Nian looked at the old man when he heard this.

I saw Li Jianhong's face as if he had come before: "When your mother was here, she would just refuse to give me a good look if she didn't want to. If I said something wrong, she would immediately get angry, although others thought she had a bad temper. , but I don’t think that, after all, as a man, he wants his beloved woman to be so unscrupulous.”

 In fact, the setting in the novel. Li Beichen is a happy man.

His parents were extremely loving. Even after his mother passed away, the old man did not abuse Li Beichen like other novels.

 And the reason why Li Beichen fell in love with Lan Min was.

 Made him feel a different kind of warmth.

 What is this different warmth? She was also curious, but the author didn't give any details. Su Nian estimated that the author who wrote such a stupid novel wouldn't be able to come up with a good explanation.

"For example, if you don't give him a good look, then he must be curious about why the person who always smiles suddenly stopped smiling. If you don't look at him, it means that he is dispensable to you, and you should Take the attitude you had when you went to the club that day, there are so many men in the world, why should I want you?”

Su Nian looked at the old man in front of him with an embarrassed yet polite smile.

 The father-in-law taught the evil daughter-in-law how to manipulate her son.

 This feels a bit awkward.

Li Jianhong, who had been talking for a long time, also realized that something was wrong with Su Nian: "Why, do you think what I said is wrong?"

When Su Nian heard this, she quickly shook her head: "I didn't. How could I feel that way? Dad, what you said is right. Only now do I understand why I failed. I will definitely follow your wishes. "

These words satisfied Li Jianhong, but he still glanced at the person downstairs with disgust: "Actually, I really don't know what you are after him. If you are after money, then just tell me and I will give all my money immediately." I’ll give you all my property, it’s not much, Tuse, okay, I admit he inherited a little bit from me, but not much.”

“You may not believe it, but I really doubted whether I had the wrong child when he was a child.”

Tomorrow is Monday, everyone, please come on and hit me with your votes!



 (End of this chapter)

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