The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 187: I, the King of Heaven, don’t even think about taking Su Nian away.

Chapter 187 Don’t even think about taking Su Nian away, even the King of Heaven

If Su Nian was really taken away, then Huo Linyuan... would Su Nian... be tied to the operating table, and then take out Su Nian's kidneys?

Then there may not be a woman named Su Nian in this world.

 Perhaps there is no Su Nian in this world.

If there were no Su Nian in this world, then... I would never hear Su Nian's messy voices again.

The more Li Beichen thought about it, his body couldn't help but tremble, and an unprecedented panic came over him.

 No, there is absolutely no way he would let such a thing happen.

At this moment, Li Beichen watched Su Nian being taken away little by little, and he realized how important this woman who liked to talk nonsense was to him.

 So he desperately wanted to regain control of his body and break through the power that wanted to restrain him.

 He absolutely could not let Huo Linyuan take Su Nian away like this.

Even if he risked his life, he couldn't let Huo Linyuan take Su Nian away like this.

 At this time, it started to rain.

Heavy raindrops fell on him, but Li Beichen was completely unaware.

 “Su Nian!”

Li Beichen roared Su Nian's name angrily, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, he gritted his teeth and stood up directly.

At this moment, it was as if a knife was stabbed into his heart.

But now Li Beichen seems to be unable to feel it. He only has one thought now.

—Huo Linyuan must not be allowed to take Su Nian away!

With every step he took, Li Beichen felt as if there were thousands of layers of barriers in front of him.

 But so what.

 He is going to break everything today.

I, the King of Heaven, don’t even think about taking Su Nian away.

Li Beichen caught up with Huo Linyuan, then punched the man hard in the face, and grabbed Su Nian directly from his hand.

"Su Nian, I won't let anything happen to you, and I won't let anyone hurt you in the slightest!"

In fact, Su Nian has always felt that she was just a passerby in this scene, just going through the motions. Just a moment ago, she thought about being taken away by the male protagonist and ending as soon as possible. But at this moment, I saw the look in Li Beichen's eyes.

 The determination in his eyes made her heart suffocate.

 Why does Li Beichen have such an expression?

 When Su Nian returned to his arms, Li Beichen's heart suddenly stabilized.

 He found the right opportunity and kicked Huo Linyuan in the chest.

He pulled Su Nian and ran towards the back like crazy.

Behind him, Huo Linyuan led others to chase him.

Su Nian could feel how firm the man holding her hand was.

The bullet passed by their ears.

Su Nian didn't know what this man was thinking, but she felt at this moment that if Li Beichen turned around and gave her a knife, she would be willing to do so.

At this moment, a car rushed in front of them and stopped, directly blocking their way.

 When he saw the car, Li Beichen subconsciously held the person in his arms.

 Is God really so intolerant of them?

Just when he thought of this, Lu Jing got out of the car: "Li Beichen, leave this to me, I will deal with this guy, you go!"

 When he saw Lu Jing, Li Beichen felt hope rekindled.

At this time, Li Beichen was not polite.

 He just put Su Nian into the car and got into the driver's seat.

 And just step on the accelerator and drive away.

As he was leaving, he happened to see Lu Jing rushing towards the hero.

 (Author: Alas, after all, it was our Mr. Lu who took down everything.)

 (End of this chapter)

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